The Lord & RayEl

in #biblecode7 years ago

Two Bible Codes were discovered on the search term "The Lord and RayEl"

The first Code repeats the name "RayEl" and the word "Messiah / Christ"

The Lord and RayEl.JPG

The second Code; Predication, Bequeathing, Enduring.

Pred·i·ca·tion "pre-də-'kā-shən\ n [ME predicacion, fr. AF predicaciun, fr. L praedication-, praedicatio, fr. praedicare] (14c)
1 archaica : an act of proclaiming or preaching b : sermon
2 : an act or instance of predicating: as a : the expression of action, state, or quality by a grammatical predicate b : the logical affirmation of something about another ; esp: assignment of something to a class.

The Lord and RayEl.b.JPG

be·queath \bi-'kwēth, -'kwēth, bē-\ vt [ME bequethen, fr. OE becwethan, fr. be- + cwethan to say — more at quoth] (bef. 12c)
1 : to give or leave by will — used esp. of personal property
2 : to hand down : transmit

Adon - The Lord has passed down the Anointed Spirit "Messiah" to RayEl.

Video of the Messiahs arrival


huuhhh thank God we found Him

Wooow ! Good job and great post really @prime-cleric ! true Messiah

Nice codes, and I will never get tired of watching the arrival video... still get goosebumbs.

Lord RayEl is the Messiah

The codes reveal the truth!

Important bible code, thank God He left these codes for us to find!

Bequeathing. Interesting, I wonder how that will be fulfilled.

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