TheTwoBeastAndTiMark666 4

in #bible6 years ago


We have used the bible to prove that the number of The beast, is the number of a man. HIS NUMBER IS 666. What is the significance of the number 666? We know that the beast,whose number this is,reveals the Roman Papacy. and that it is the number of a man..
One of the Pope's titles is to be VICARIUS FILII DEI,which means, Vicar of the son of God. In Latin, the language of Catholicism , some of the letters double as numbers, and the numerical value of VICARIUS FILII DEI adds up to 666
V=5 F=0 D=500
I=1 I=1 E=0
C=100 L=50 I=1 501
A=0 I=1 ----- 53
R=0 I=1 501 112
I=1 ------- -------
U=5 53 666

There is no doubt my friends. Let me give you a example.
The bald Eagle is a symbol the United States, the President , is the leader of the United States.. The Beast is a symbol of the Roman Catholic Church... 666 identifies who the man is, "the Pope".
666 has to fit the character of the person.first of all 666 has to be a man, Revelation 13:18 says, 'Is the number of a man". This man would have to fit all the characteristics of Daniel chapter 7,and Revelation chapter 13. and the Pope fits all the characteristics .

The horn and the beast are one and the same.
The Bible says In these last days there are going to be only two groups of people Worshiping. one group will be worshiping God, the other group will be worshiping the beast and his image, read for yourself.

this is group one..Revelation 14:9-12 says, (9) If anyone "WORSHIPS" the beast and his image, and receives his mark in his forehead or in his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God. Group one are those who are identified in Revelation chapter 13.

this is Group two . Revelation 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment has come, and "WORSHIP" him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water. also Revelation 14:12 says, here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation portrays two groups of people that emerge during the end time. THEY ARE BOTH DEFINED BY WHO THEY WORSHIP.
AS i have reveled to you from scriptures One group worships the beast and receives his mark. The other group obeys the call to "Worship" him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water,, the creator, and they keep God's commandments, which include the fourth commandment, have the faith of Jesus, and the seal of God.
Your probably wondering if the mark of the beast is visible?
Hebrews 10:16, says This is the covenant that i will make with them after those days, says the Lord; I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds i will write them.. The mark and the seal are not literal tattoos, God forbid putting marks on our skins, see Leviticus 19:28.) The mark and seal reveal either the law of the beast or the law of God written in the heart and mind. Those who receive the seal of God do so because they have God's law written in there mind,See Exodus 13:9.) Those who follow the beast do it either willingly with their mind or are coerced and led along by the hand.
see Ecclesiastes 9:10.)..
I have not forgotten about the United States in bible prophecy, I want to make sure you understand everything. In part 5, we will learn how God seals his people,.. what part of God's law has his seal or signature and more..FB_IMG_1541008406241.jpg

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