TheTwoBeastAndTheMark666 2

in #bible6 years ago (edited)


My friends i need to say this right up front,The most important thing that needs to be done before We study God's word, is "PRAYER" you at home and I, need to ask God for the presents of the Holy spirit, and ask God for understanding of the scriptures, If you are sincere in wanting to learn more about Jesus Christ, you will look up Scriptures that are put on here. "YOU MUST VERIFY EVERYTHING I PUT ON HERE, " I cannot do all the work for you. Two things will help you by looking up Scripture. (1) You are verifying that what i am putting on here is true. and (2), by you reading it over again will give you more understanding.
If you studied the scriptures in Daniel chapter 3, you will know that the story sheds light on the mark of The beast. IT illustrates how the world will be tested with laws that command false worship. . Lets review nine points we found in Daniel chapter three and Revelation chapter 13... (1) The MARK is not "666" Revelation 13:17-18 says,And that no one might but or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18). Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast,FOR IT IS THE NUMBER OF A MAN; HIS NUMBER IS 666..Before i go any further, I want to take you back to Revelation 13:16, and read it from the K.J.V. It says,And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark "IN"their right hand, or "IN" their foreheads..
Now in the New King James Bible it says, "ON" the right hand, and "ON" the foreheads, there is a big difference between "ON" and "IN". , do you see what i mean? According the K.J.V.The mark is in the right hand and in the forehead, You use your hands, that is action, All of decisions are made from the brain. The forehead is called the front-o-lobe.. that is also called the frontets
Deuteronomy 11:1.&18, (1) Therefore you shall love the LORD your God and keep his charge, His statutes, his judgments, and his commandments always. Verse 18,Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your "RIGHT HAND", and they shall be as "FRONTLETS" between your eyes.

Let's review what we have done so far.
Remember the story in Daniel chapter 3,(remember you need to read this chapter) sheds light on the mark of the beast, It reveals how the world will be tested with laws that command false worship.
Here are the nine key points we find in Daniel chapter 3, and Revelation chapter 13... (1) (The "Mark" is not 666. see Revelation 13:17-18...) (2) (Powerful end time kingdoms lead the world to establish the mark, See Revelation 13:8, and Revelation 13:12..)
(3) (The mark is connected to "WORSHIP" of image that counterfeits God's truth.Revelation 13:13-14..) (4)The counterfeit worship is based upon ancient Pagan worship., See Daniel 3: 5,7,11,14-15. (5) All the world is commanded to follow this false worship..Daniel 3:5,7,11,14-15. .Revelation 13:8, and Revelation 13:12-17...(6) (This counterfeit worship contradicts God's law.. Daniel 3:16-18..Revelation 13:8.. Exodus 20:1 &2 ) (7).( While many compromise, A faithful few stand loyally for God. Daniel 3:18,) .. (8) God delivers his people out of the final persecution and they are not hurt.. Daniel 3:24-25., and Revelation 14:12.)
(9) (God's end time people have a special relationship to Jesus.
Revelation 12:17, and Revelation 14:12...)
In part three we will explain more about the mark of the beast, and the role the United States plays..

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