#TheTwoBeastAndItMark66 3

in #bible6 years ago

If you have been studying along with me.you should see that the mark of the Beast is about who you "WORSHIP". Lets look at who you will worship.
If we look at the similarities between the little horn of Daniel chapter 7, and the beast of Revelation chapter 13, we can see that they are one and the same.Who or what is represented by these two prophetic symbols? The bible gives us enough of its distinguishing characteristics that we may positively identify this power..
Lets see what the Bible says.
(1) The little horn power arises as the Roman Empire is fragmenting into ten different kingdoms. See Daniel 7:7-8,& 23-24..
(Notice; between A.D. 376 and 476 the Roman Empire disintegrated; A number of Barbarian tribes invaded, dividing the empire up among ten tribes.This is the time period from which the little horn/beast power came up. These are the ten Barbarian tribes and the modern nations they are today..(1)( Anglo-Saxons is now England.) (2) ( Alemanni is now Germany.) (3) Franks, is now France,) (4) Visigoths is now Spain.) (5)( Suevi is now Portugal.)
(6)( Lombards is now Italy.) (7)( Burgundians is now Switzerland.)
(8) (Vandals,Destroyed in A.D.534.) (9) (Heruli, destroyed in A.D.493.) (10) Ostrogoths, destroyed in A.D. 538.)
(2) The beast receives its power, seat, and great authority from the dragon. See Revelation 13: 1-2. notice, the dragon from which the beast gets its power, seat, and authority is a symbol of dragon/Satan working through his primary agent, the Pagan Roman Empire .See Revelation 13:2.).
So this beast must get its power and authority from the dragon/ Roman Empire, and it must rise in the city of Rome, The seat of the Roman Empire.Revelation 13:2.)
(3) The little horn power is responsible for eliminating three of the other horns or kingdoms that replaced the Roman Empire.(See Daniel 7:8,& 24.)
. (4) The little horn becomes greater than the remaining seven kingdoms, see Daniel 7:24.)
(5) The little horn is different from the other seven kingdoms, see Daniel 7:24.)
(6) The beast speaks great things blasphemies, see Revelations 13: 5-6,8... Note,. In the bible we find several definitions of blasphemy, including. Idol Worship, Isaiah 65:7, Ezekiel 20:27-31.
claiming to forgive.. Mark 2:7, Luke 5:21.) claiming to be God.. Mark 14:61-64. John 10:33.
(7) The little horn speaks great things against God .. Daniel 7:8, 20, &25.
(8) The horn makes war with the saints and prevails, See Daniel 7:21,&25..
(9) The beast makes war with the saints and overcomes them. See Revelation 13:7.)Note,, this power will successfully persecute those who are true to God..
(10) The beast reigns for 42 months, see Revelation 13:5.)
(11) The little horn has the saints in its power for a time, times, and half a time. See Daniel 7:25.)
(12) The beast receives a deadly wound, but the wound is healed. see Revelation 13:3.)
(13) After the would is healed,and the world again wonders after the beast and worships it. See Revelation 13:4.)
(14) THE BEAST POWER is still a force in the world today, and will participate in the events just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.See Daniel 7:11,& 26., also Revelation 19:20.)
(15) The little horn thinks to change times and laws, See Daniel 7:25.)
There is only one power in all history that fits all fifteen of these identifying marks. It is the VATICAN OR ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SYSTEM..
Please go back over these 15 points again.
In part 4,We will use twelve identifying marks of the beast to further prove that the beast is the Roman Catholic Church system.these twelve points will match with the 15 points that proved that the beast and the little horn are one and the same. and the little horn and the beast, represent the Roman Catholic Church system.or Vatican city

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