TheBeast 4 #TheLittleHorn Section A

in #bible6 years ago (edited)

We ended last time with the fourth kingdom/beast that is Rome, and we're gonna pick it up from there. The Bible tells us that this dreadful Beast had TEN HORNS. How many toes were in the image? TEN TOES. Again, same vision, just different symbolisms. Now, WHAT DO THE TEN HORNS ON THIS BEAST REPRESENT?

Daniel 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

So the Bible again tells us the interpretation of these ten horns. It says THE TEN HORNS ARE TEN KINGS THAT ARE GONNA ARISE OUT OF THIS ROMAN EMPIRE. A perfect fulfillment of prophecy.

We saw that when Rome fell in 476 a.d., it didn't fell to a1530615676523-1-768x551.jpgnother great conquering army but, rather, the Barbaric tribe of Northern Europe swept down upon Rome. And when Rome fell, it divided exactly into TEN KINGDOMS just like the Bible prophesied hundreds and hundreds of years before.

These are the TEN KINGDOMS:

  1. ALAMANNI - Germans
  2. BURGUNDIANS - Swiss
  3. FRANKS - French
  4. LOMBARDS - Italians
  5. SAXONS - English
  6. SUEVI - Portuguese
  7. VISIGOTHS - Spanish

Section B will be continue

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