We need to dust off the word bastard.

in #bible7 years ago

When the word "bastard" isn't used as a cuss word, it has another definition. Children born out of wedlock are bastards. Thats not me calling names that is just the word.

If that makes you angry because you didn't marry your baby's mamma you might be feeling conviction. If your kids are bastards, whose fault is that? Marry that woman and be a father to your babies.

If your an angry bastard, how about confronting your father. Forgive him, and commit to not doing that to your own children.

We need to dust off this word, and see if the shoe fits.

[Mat 7:5 ESV] 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

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