Extra-Biblical Discussions about MessiahsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bible7 years ago (edited)

 His Name from Creation

The world was created only for the sake of the Messiah. What is His name? His name is Shiloh (Tranquility) for it is written: 

The scepter shall not withdraw from Judah, nor a statute-maker’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh (Tranquility) come and unto Him the people shall gather. Genesis 49:10

His name is Yinnon (Perpetual) for it is written: 

His name shall become eternal before the sun, Yinnon (Perpetual) is His name, and all nations shall bless themselves in Him and please Him. Psalm 72:17

His name is Haninah (Favor), as it is written: 

I have cast you from off this land, on to a land that you have not known, you and your fathers. And you have served other gods there day and night where I do not give you Haninah (Favor). Jeremiah 16:13

His name is Manachim (Comforter), as it is written: 

My eye, my eye runs down with water, for Manachim (Comforter) is far from me, restorer of my soul. Lamentations 1:16

His name is Naga (Leper), as it is written: 

Surely our illnesses He has borne and he was burdened with our pains. Yet we accounted Him as Naga (Leper), smitten by God and humbled. Isaiah 53:4

‘Have you heard when the son of the fallen one shall come?’ and he replied 'Who is the son of the fallen one?’ He said ‘The Messiah.’ He asked ‘Why do you call the Messiah son of the fallen one?’ He answered ‘it is written: 

In that day I shall rise up the booth of David, the fallen one, and dike up the breaches with stones.’ Amos 9:11

The Day That is Altogether Sabbath

The world shall exist six thousand years and one thousand the world shall be desolate, as it is written: 

The eyes of the haughty man are low and the highness of mortals is prostrate and YHWH alone shall be exalted in that day. Isaiah 2:11

Just as the seventh year is one year of release in seven, so is the world: one thousand years out of seven shall be fallow as it is written: 

‘YHWH alone shall be exalted in that day.” Isaiah 2:11 

And further it is said:

‘A Psalm, a song for the Sabbath day’  Psalm 92:1

This is referring to the day that is altogether Sabbath and it is also said: 

‘For a thousand years are in Your eyes but as yesterday when it has passed.’ Psalm 19:4

The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousands there was desolation, the next two thousand years the Instructions of God flourished and the next two thousand years is the era of the Messiah, but through our many iniquities all these years have been lost.

The Son of David Shall Not Come Until…

'The Son of David shall not come until the whole world is converted to the belief of the heretics.’ He said ‘What verse?’ He replied ‘It is written: 

If the leprosy should break forth in the skin so that the leprosy covers all the skin of the sore everywhere from his head unto his feet, to the appearance in the eyes of the priest, then the priest shall consider and behold, if the leprosy covers all his flesh he shall pronounce the contagion clean. All of it has turned white, he is clean. Leviticus 13:12-13

The Son of David shall not come until denunciators are in abundance, that is when the power the servants of YHWH has departed, as it is written: 

For YHWH shall judge His people and show Himself merciful over His servants when He sees that their hand has departed and there is none shut up or left. Deuteronomy 32:36 

Another interpretation of ‘when He sees their hand has departed’ is when scribes are few. Another interpretation: when the last coin has gone from the purse. Another interpretation: when redemption is despaired of, for it is written: ‘There is none shut up or left’ as if, were it possible, Israel had no supporter nor helper.

The Son of David shall not come until a fish is sought [among the nations] for an invalid and cannot be procured as it is written: 

I cause their waters to sink and their rivers to run as oil. Ezekiel 32:12 

While it is written: 

In that day I shall cause the horn of the House of Israel to bud forth. Ezekiel 29:21

The Son of David shall not come until even the pettiest kingdom ceases over Israel as it is written: 

He cuts off the shoots with pruners and He takes away the abandoned twigs when he cuts. Isaiah 18:5 

And this is followed by: 

In that time, the present shall be brought unto YHWH of multitudes from the people in suspense and trepidation. Isaiah 18:7

The Son of David shall not come until there are no conceited men in Israel as it is written: 

In that day, you shall not be ashamed of all your practices in which you transgressed against Me for then I shall take away from within you those who are joyous in your pride and you shall not continue further to be haughty in My holy Mountain. Zephaniah 3:11 

This is followed by: 

And I shall cause the humble and poor people to remain within you and they shall take refuge in the name of YHWH. Zephaniah 3:12

The Son of David shall not come until all judges and officers are gone from Israel as it is written: 

And I shall restore My hand upon you and refine, so as to purify you from your dross, and I shall destroy the rebellious and take away all your tin and I shall restore your judges as the first and your counselors as at the start and afterward they shall call you ‘Righteous City’. Isaiah 1:25-26

The Son of David shall not come until the power enfolds Israel for nine months as it is written: 

He shall give them up, until the time that she is to bear shall give birth, and the rest of his brethren shall return to the sons of Israel. Micah 5:3

Birth Pangs of the Messiah

One said: ‘Let Him come, but let me not see Him.’ Another said likewise ‘Let Him come, but let me not see Him.’ Yet another inquired ‘What is your reason [for saying 'Let Him come, but let me not see Him]?  Shall we say because of the birth pangs of the Messiah?’ 

‘What must a man do to be spared the birth pangs of the Messiah?’ He answered ‘Let him engage in study and charity.’ They replied ‘But Master, why do you fear the birth pangs since you do both?’ He replied ‘I fear that a man can do nothing to be spared the birth pangs caused by sin.  It is taught concerning the first entrance into the land of Israel: 

The sheiks of Edom are flustered, quivering took hold of the arbiters of Moab, all the inhabitance of Canaan are dissolved - they are still as a stone for dread and awe are falling upon them by the greatness of Your arm. As Your people cross over… Exodus 15:15-16 

Concerning the second entrance into the land of Israel, it is taught: 

...as this people cross over whom You have acquired, You shall bring them in and plant them in the mountain of your allotment, the site for Your dwelling place which You have contrived, YHWH, the sanctuary YHWH which Your hands have established. YHWH, He shall reign for the eon and further. Exodus 15:16-17 

Therefore, you may reason: Though Jacob may be worthy of a miracle like at the first entrance, at the second entrance, Jacob may not be spared the birth pangs caused by sin.

The Generation when the Son of David Will Come

In the generation when the son of David will come, scribes shall be few in number, and as for the others, their eyes shall fail through sorrow and grief. Much trouble and new evil decrees shall be enacted, each new evil coming quickly before the other has ended.

In the generation when the Son of David comes, the house of assembly shall be for harlots, Galilee in ruins, Golan lie desolate, the border inhabitants wander from city to city receiving no hospitality, the wisdom of the scribes in disfavor, God fearing men despised, the face of the generation shameless and the truth completely lacking, as it is written: 

The truth is lacking and he who departs from evil, makes himself prey. Isaiah 59:15 

What is meant by ‘The truth is lacking’? The scribes of the assembly said: “This teaches that the truth shall split into separate sects and depart from one another.” What is meant by ‘and he that departs from evil, makes himself prey’? The assembly said: “He who departs from evil shall be dubbed a fool by his fellow men.”

In the generation when the Messiah comes, young men shall insult the old and old men shall stand before the young to honor them, daughters shall rise up against their mothers and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law. The people shall be shameless and a son shall not be corrected in the presence of his father.

In the generation when the Messiah comes, impudence shall increase, esteem be perverted, the vine shall yield his fruit yet wine shall be dear. The Reign of God shall be converted to heresy with no one to rebuke them.  When you see a generation ever dwindling, hope for the Messiah as it is written:

And you shall save a humble people and your cause your eyes to fall upon the exulted. 2 Samuel 22:28

When you see a generation overwhelmed by many troubles as by a river, wait for the Messiah as it is written: 

The enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of YHWH shall make him flee. Isaiah 59:19 

This is followed by: 

And the Redeemer comes to Zion and He shall turn back transgression from Jacob. Isaiah 59:20

The Rabbi pointed out a contradiction concerning the glory of Jerusalem.  It is written: 

And your people, all of them are righteous, they shall inherit the land forever. The branch which YHWH has planted, [is] the beautiful work of my hand. The small one shall become a thousand and the inferior, a strong nation. I YHWH shall hurry her, in her time. Isaiah 60:21-22

It is written ‘…in her time’ while it is also written ‘I shall hurry her…’ This indicates that if Jerusalem is meritorious then ‘I shall hurry her.’ but if Jerusalem is not meritorious then ‘in her time.’

Concerning the King of Jerusalem, it is written: 

And behold, one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of the Heavens. Daniel 7:13 

While is it also written: 

Behold, your king comes to you lowly and riding upon an ass. Zechariah 9:7 

If Jerusalem is meritorious, then ‘with the clouds of the Heavens’; if Jerusalem is not meritorious then ‘lowly and riding upon an ass.’ 


Someone for real correlates cryptocurrencies with Antichrist and his allurment lol

I think what you are saying is that cryptocurrency and the Talmud are both from the devil, if i'm reading you correctly. Well, steem on to another post then and don't be allured.

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