1: True Gospel of Jesus

in #bible6 years ago (edited)

dss.jpgGenuine Gospel of Jesus, called Christ, another prophet sent by God to the world: as indicated by the depiction of Barnabas his witness.

Barnabas, missionary of Jesus the Nazarene, considered Christ, to all them that stay upon the earth desireth peace and relief.

Truly adored the colossal and awesome God hath amid these previous days visited us by his prophet Jesus Christ in incredible kindness of instructing and supernatural occurrences, by reason whereof many, being bamboozled of Satan, under nearness of devotion, are lecturing most scandalous tenet, calling Jesus child of God, revoking the circumcision appointed of God for ever, and allowing each unclean meat: among whom likewise Paul hath been beguiled, whereof I talk not without distress; for which cause I am composing that fact which I have seen and heard, in the intercourse that I have had with Jesus, all together that ye might be spared, and not be hoodwinked of Satan and die in the judgment of God. Accordingly be careful with each one that preacheth unto you new principle in spite of that which I compose, that ye might be spared interminably.

The considerable God be with you and watch you from Satan and from each detestable. So be it.

Section 1. The blessed messenger Gabriel visits Virgin Mary concerning the introduction of Jesus.

In these last years a virgin called Mary, of the heredity of David, of the clan of Judah, was visited by the blessed messenger Gabriel from God. This virgin, living in all sacredness with no offense, being irreproachable, and dwelling in supplication with fastings, being one day alone, there went into her chamber the heavenly attendant Gabriel, and he saluted her, saying: 'God be with thee, O Mary'.

The virgin was dismayed at the presence of the blessed messenger; yet the heavenly attendant support her, saying: 'Dread not, Mary, for thou hast discovered support with God, who hath picked thee to be mother of a prophet, whom he will send to the general population of Israel all together that they may stroll in his laws with truth of heart.'

The virgin replied: 'Now in what capacity will I deliver children, seeing I know not a man?' The holy messenger replied: 'O Mary, God who made man without a man can produce in thee man without a man, in light of the fact that with him nothing is incomprehensible.'

Mary replied: 'I realize that God is god-like, hence his will be done.' The heavenly attendant replied: 'Now be imagined in thee the prophet, whom thou shalt name Jesus: and thou shalt keep him from wine and from solid drink and from each unclean meat, in light of the fact that the tyke is a blessed one of God.' Mary bowed herself with lowliness, saying: 'See the handmaid of God, be it done by thy word.'

The heavenly attendant left, and the virgin celebrated God, saying: 'Know, O my spirit, the enormity of God, and glory, my soul, in God my Savior; for he hath respected the lowliness of his handmaiden, insomuch that I will be considered honored by every one of the countries, for he that is relentless hath made me incredible, and favored be his sacred name. For his kindness extendeth from age to age of them that dread him. Compelling hath he made his hand, and he hath scattered the pleased in the creative energy of his heart. He hath put down the forceful from their seat, and hath lifted up the humble. Him who hath been eager hath he loaded up with great things, and the rich he hath sent void away. For he keepeth in memory the guarantees made to Abraham and to his child for ever'.

An Islamic Perspective and Commentary

by Ishaq Zahid


The genuine story of Jesus' introduction to the world from Mary is described in the Holy Quran. We are informed that he was conceived without a dad by the order of God. Mary was single and a modest lady.

"Furthermore, (recall) her who monitored her virtuousness: We inhaled into her of Our Spirit, and We made her and her child a Sign for all people groups." (The Holy Quran, 21:91)

Relate in the Book (the account of) Mary, when she pulled back from her family to a place in the East. She set a screen (to screen herself) from them: at that point We sent to her Our holy messenger, and he showed up before her in the state of a well-made individual. She stated: "I look for shelter from thee to (God) Most Gracious: (come not close) if thou dost fear God." He stated: "Nay, I am just an errand person from thy Lord, (to declare) to thee the endowment of a blessed child." She stated: "In what capacity will I have a child, seeing that no man has contacted me, and I am not unchaste?" He stated: "So (it will be): thy Lord saith, `That is simple for Me: and (We wish) to choose him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': it is an issue (so) proclaimed." (The Holy Quran, 19:16-21)

The expressions of the heavenly attendant, "and thou shalt keep him from wine and from solid drink and from each unclean meat, in light of the fact that the kid is a sacred one of God." in the Gospel let us know plainly that Jesus (peace be on him) never drank wine or other mixed refreshments. This point ought to be worth recollecting, as we continue through the content.


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