Content is NOT King --- Without this other element you go nowhere

in #bharatanand5 years ago

I'm reading a great book that I wanted to share with you called, The Content Trap: A Strategist's Guide to Digital Change" by Bharat Anand.

We often hear that "Content is King" when it comes to social media.

Yes, having good content is very important. However, there is something far more important than just content.

Think about it. There is no lack of content on the Net. Just think about how many great posts are made, and hardly anyone reads them.

Think about the many great videos that are available with hardly any viewers.

I find it often frustrating that there are SO many great videos (as I judge the video content for me and my own purposes) and I can't watch all of them. Yes, I speed them up when possible, but even then, much more content is available that we all have time to consume.

It is getting easier all the time to produce content.

That is good.

However, the downside of that is that there is much more competition. More people can produce really good content and that makes it harder for your content to stand out and get attention.

So what is the answer?

Bharat Anand makes the point that although content is important, the most important part is something different .

It is about connections.

People connecting with people.

People connecting with products they love.

People connecting with ideas that resonate with them in a community they belong to and stay in touch.

If you combine great content with great connections, you get the results you want. Yes, it is a combination, but the connections that you build beat out content.

Create and curate great content, yet. Don't give that up. However, focus more energy on connections.

Build your community.

Stay in touch with people and reach out continually with value to others.

This is the key.

Here's a quote from the book that I wanted to share with you.

"The Content Trap: A Strategist's Guide to Digital Change" by Bharat Anand

"Today Schibsted [a Norwegian publisher] boasts some of the most profitable sites of any traditional media organization in the world. It achieved that not by focusing on creating “better content” but by first recognizing the threat of classifieds—and doing something about it. It achieved that by creating entirely new, non-print-based approaches to news. It essentially pioneered a master class in avoiding the Content Trap and embracing user connections instead."

Be careful about relying on content alone to build your audience. Get the community of people who love your work. Often you do this with great content, but usually it takes something that creates an emotional bond.

Put the two together and you'll have a winning combination,

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Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
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2018 Recipient of the National Speakers Association's Highest Award, The Cavett

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Former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T's Networking Exchange Blog
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Thanks for this great post Terry. It’s 100% true that the two go hand in hand.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great to hear from you, @exyle. Yes content is good but connections are even more important. All the best to you, my friend.

I agree with you buddy. Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, @bahagia-arbi. Yes, the content is important, but community is the one thatis most vital. Nice to have you visit!

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