E155 2016-05-20 Beyond Bitcoin: Steem, Bitshares, Sollars, Ingenesist, Peerplays, BitCash & More!

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)


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Bytemaster updates us that Steemit.com (Steem), "the DAO" and MKR are bringing more users to the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange.

Chris and Kencode update us on an award for Bitshares Munich Munich? Great job thus far guys!

Merivercap of BitCash informs us all that they now have the beginnings of a wonderful thing: a wallet with no centrally controlled assets. Trade and hold bitassets, bitcoin or bitshares!

Solomon Updates us on the acquisition of Codal for the construction of the MVP needed for the Sollars And Sense Kickstarter.

Dan Robles "Ingenesist" gives us a quick layout of his plans and nibbles at the ideas waiting to be released in the coming weeks in his whitepaper for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

And the blockchain marches on...


Bytemaster's comment on DAO indeed attracts a lot of eyes on BTS, though a lot of disputes too, but not a bad thing I think.

I like that we are reviving the 'DAC' acronym ( well, fuzzy said it in the introduction ).

BM was only available for those few minutes? I listened 40 minutes through. Intend to catch the rest later (esp. if that wasn't the end of BM ).

Yes. As we move more toward focusing on bringing on other future bitshares leaders, I suspect bm will not be on as long as he used to be. I personally would prefer he consider attending as one of the members of the community though because I think he could give a great deal of guidance and input to people who otherwise might not use graphene due to the lack of easy to work with documentation (though xeroc has done wonders to help that, thankfully).

Fuzzy, please allow download from soundcloud.com. You need to change the permissions.

When will you be able to embed your soundcloud or youtube video directly on Steem?

I could embed the youtube ones as soon as they are up. Not quite sure yet with soundcloud. I am not a markup master (yet) :P

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