Site Upgrade Proposal: STEEM & IPFS powered template (Upvote to Support)

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

High Level Funding Requirements:

  • $1K in EUR or BTS goes to kencode (must be received before work can
  • $5K in Steem-Backed Dollars (SBD) goes to the developers (kencode
    will pay them directly).
  • Payments must be made before work continues to next milestone.
  • Website design

        A.  Responsive for all mobile devices, use react.js
        B.  Material design “Card” layout like netflix 
        C.  All new Hangouts are automatically posted to as well in/with the beyondbitcoin tag
        D.  Main Menu items 
       i. Clickable logo in top left corner
       ii. Get Noticed! (this is where interviewees can sign up) 
       iii. Download Mumble 
       iv. Search (this field is collapsed by default, but expands and becomes visible when the search icon is clicked or tapped).
        E. Put a scrolling clickable (target=”_top”) ticker across the top, under the main menu, that shows the last 3 tweets (show the little blue bird) from @Beyond_Bitcoin. 

    Intranet - $1K

       A. (use Bitshares Login like cryptofresh did). 
       B. A basic screen that gives the site admin access to the above fields. 
       C. Allows admin to create/edit/delete a Hangout.  
       D. Information that must be collected about the show (editable in Intranet):
          i. Hangout Title
          ii. Hangout Description 
          iii. Hangout Poster (the image; hosted by IPFS)
          iv. Interviewee Full Name or Nickname
          v. Interviewee BTS Account Name (for tips)
          vi. Interviewee URL
      E. New post entries must automatically show on too.

    Upvoting - $1K

    A. Provide a part of the site for the beyondbitcoin content stream so users visiting will be able to directly upvote beyondbitcoin tagged content and official content.

    Tipping - $1K

    A. If Interviewees want tips, they must download the new Smartcoins Wallet from google play (or use OpenLedger web wallet) and provide their BTS account name before the hangout begins. The show Host must input that info along with the other interviewees info.

    Final beta testing and approval by fuzzy - $1K

    Launch at fuzzy’s webhost - $1K

    Open Source: This site will act as a template for other content-driven sites that wish to connect to steem for cross-posting and site content creation “tag” filtering for visitors.


Great to see this initiative. Looking forward to seeing your detailed plan.

We're still adding details to those milestones so folks can follow along with that project as each phase is completed. I think the card layout is the best way to go for the site too because people are already familiar now with material design principles, and, the way the beyondbitcoin site has always looked. It's easy for people to upvote your posts, and (with our wallet libraries that we wrote) it will be easy for readers/listeners to tip the Interviewees of each show in any crypto they like (our POS systems use these same libraries for displaying multiple qr codes to the user). This steemit post would actually be a great place for everyone to follow along with this job too! :)

Fantastic initiative! This is so exciting! Good work Fuzzy and Kencode.


It will be great to see this project off the ground and will help to empower many projects including Bitshares and Steem!

Great post and god speed :)

"Out of curiosity" ©fuzzy :)

  • What happens to the funds raised here if you don't reach your $6128.80 USD goal?
  • Will any shortages be covered some other way or will this project be dead in the water if the full amount is not reached?

I plan to continue annoying the community about upvoting it or maybe have a second post or subsequent weekly posts asking for upvotes. I wont feel bad about doing this because the resulting site template and functionality will be open source for all to use. So consider this not an initiative that benefits only I but our entire community =)

P.s. stop copyrighting my most brilliant quotes. The truth is on the blockchain so you cant run tuck!

Just wanted to thank everyone who supports our efforts to empower our community(s) :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68010.47
ETH 3258.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68