Whaletank from Saturday Nov 4th 2017 - edited, transcribed & subtitled

in #beyondbitcoin7 years ago

Multichannel audio edited by @SteemPowerPics

This Saturday there were just two projects:

  1. WhaleShares by @akrid and @krazykrista (Whaleshares on Discord)
  2. Peerity updates by @crypto-hippy (@peerity-io, Peerity)

RSVP here

Thank you @SteemPowerPics for editing the Whaletank per speaker this time! And @alexpmorris for showing how to do it in Audacity and for srt2vtta Java app for merging subtitles.

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inputs can be SRT or VTT, "normalize" submits each phrase of transcript to AI puncuator
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use captions: "#cut", "#splice", and "#end" to mark end of media
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@officialfuzzy [00:14]: Welcome everyone to whaletank number 231. Today is Saturday November 4th 2017. So we're gonna be hanging out today with different people who've signed up for the whale tank. Just to give a real quick layout of the land: whaletank was established for us to create the means by which we can send out tokens that are backed by steempower but are traded on bitshares. And you can actually upvote yourself with these tokens using one of the coolest cross chain if not the only real cross chain use-case in the space that can be used by everyday people. So it's a very cool thing that everybody can utilize. The whaleshares is the service, beyondbits is my token. So we distribute beyondbits at these hangouts. And @Akrid is here but I don't know if he's planning on distributing whaleshares. He's the person who distributes whaleshares for the whaleshares community. Every week we join up and we allow people the platform to sign up, get paid, to talk about and continue updating people on their projects. So if you've heard somebody who comes on and talks on a frequent basis, maybe it's worth starting to pay attention to what they're doing. If they're continuously giving you updates and showing you progress that's a very valuable thing. And if they're stepping away then maybe there's a reason for that. I want to make clear to everybody: we keep this open as an open forum. We do not necessarily 100% govern who joins up. And there will be people who harm and abuse for tokens that we distribute. But overall we have found that more people use these for the reasons of building value and building trust in the ecosystem. So go to Steemit.com @officialfuzzy every week, look up the whaletank RSVP for the #BeyondBitcoin whaletank that we have here every Saturday. And if you have a token you will get some special benefits. If you actually have a token you are more likely to get a 1000 beyondbit price every week. You are also able to double the order of precedence. So your project, if you have a token that you link that is on the bitshares DEX, will most likely have a lot better chance against those that do not link it, to be first in line. And in addition to that if you want to share drop on people who attend this hangout, we do have a guestbook that we have and everybody will sign today. And if you want to add time to your 15 minute default, you can do so by a share dropping on the people with your token. So with that said today our order of precedence that has been established is @krazyKrista is going to be talking about Whaleshares. And then we're going to follow it up with @forestWillie talking about Peerity. So with that said @krazy. Krista you said my goodness you're late but that's fine. Feel free to step up and talk about whale shares and we have 15 minutes.

@akrid [03:15]: Actually will be me @Akrid and @krazykrista, we're both going to share this.

@officialfuzzy [03:20]: Okay. I'm loving it.

@akrid [03:20]: event here if you don't mind? All right well while she's getting set up I'm gonna go ahead and introduce whaleshares. So what whaleshares is, [it's] a community and a token. It's a user issued asset on the bitshares blockchain that was created by @officialfuzzy here. And it allows you to trade the asset for a vote on Steemit. So it enables people to get the vote of a whale, the delegation of which is offered by blocktrades. So fuzzy and blocktrades are the great enablers here that allow people to use this service. Now I'm gonna go ahead and link the discord here. And if you would like to join the discord chatroom. I shared the link. There's a lot of great people there, supportive, working together to grow as a community. With the help of the whale shares of course. Now these whaleshares are distributed in a few different ways; we host contests, giveaways and pay people for their contributions to the community. There's a great guide here that was created by Eric and I'm going to share that as well. If anybody does not know how to use the whaleshares it's essentially the same as beyondbit that where most of us are familiar with here.

@krazykrista [04:52]: Okay I guess it's my turn now. Sorry I'm late everybody. My name is @krazyKrista. I hope you can hear me okay I didn't have time to put my laptop up. So I'm a mod over on WhaleShares and I help kind of keep the peace around there. We also have a couple of other great mods around there; @steempowerpics I like to call him the MVP he's my most valuable player on there. @Akrid is the most valuable player really and he helps with moderation. He also is involved with doing the audio. I'm here for whaletank and also for the bitshares talk. And he he does it for BeyondBitcoin on Tuesdays with @officialfuzzy as well. We also have @nepd on, he helps matter?? on there and answer questions and he runs the hair sharetoken and actually the channel there as well. And then we also have @Chuckyfucky who is our Spanish mod he's trying to help to get the Spanish community more involved in our Discord channel by doing like translations and answering questions. We have a couple channels set up there now too as well.

@officialfuzzy [05:52]: Well I'll say this you guys definitely make the community very real. It's a very grassroots thing but what you guys have accomplished is pretty cool. You have a lot of different things going on and it's very valuable between Steem and. Bitshares.

@akrid [06:07]: Yeah and the we have a lot of great people including the people that were just listed. We have contest coordinators who are actually sponsored by whale shares. They have a contest or a giveaway that they like to run and we enable them with the prizes that they can distribute which are in the form of whaleshares. Now our contest coordinators. They have a special rank in the discord if anybody wants to know who they are, they're on pretty often. We also have a account on. Steemit called @contests, I'll get you the link here. And this contests account, it's a public account for the use of the contest coordinators. We all have the posting key. And every time we create a contest or update the contest, announce the winners etc. We go ahead and go to this contest account, upvote the post for a little bit of a little bit of promotion, resteem it so everybody has a centralized location to find all the sponsored contests there. And the contests has about 500 or 600 steem power I believe. We've gotten delegation from myself, apology and kidforlife. Apology and kidforlife are excellent members of the community. They're contest coordinators as well. Now I also want to talk about a few of the events that we have going on aside from the contests that people run. We have some great events, for instance @krazyKrista runs a weekly voice chat giveaway. So on a random day, random time throughout the week we go ahead and make a post on Steemit, say welcoming a number of people who may or may not be new to the community, to join us, have a chat, discuss some things, maybe teach them what Whaleshares are and reward them for interacting with us in the community. There is a live post promotion run by @freedomexists. It's actually an excellent idea where we all gather together, @freedomexists facilitates a voice chat where he allows people to discuss a post that they have written and let everybody know what their beliefs were what their intentions are. Explain it in a way that allows others to interact. So we encourage people to comment, upvote and then we reward the person who's promoting their posts with some whale shares at the end as well. I also host a weekly whaleshares live tutorials. So people who are completely new to the bitshares exchange and whaleshares, sign up for this tutorial and I give them a step-by-step explanation along with screen sharing and they are able to join me for some learning. I provide them with some whaleshares to use. We go ahead and sell one of those whaleshares. So we have bitshares in order to cover the transaction fees. And then we demonstrate the ability to place a whale vote on their post of their choice with those whaleshares. So it's altogether a great experience, people really seem to enjoy it. I'm gonna go ahead and share another link here which is the calendar that we use. On this calendar you'll see that you can sign up for the live tutorial. It is limited to nine members right now. I do it a completely over Discord, so most people have the tools available to attend. And finally there is one more link that I'm going to share. It is the market that is listed on the bitshares exchange for whaleshares to bitshares. Now this market is... Whaleshares does not sell these assets. They are distributed in the manner that I have outlined here. People who earn them or win them are the ones that sell these whale shares and decide what price they want to sell them for. And some people can buy them from those people. They have every right to do what they they wish. So Khrista here is gonna go ahead and throw some at you guys apparently, so she going to throw whaleshares at people who attend, sign up for the guestbook and Fuzzy's will have that information when he's ready. And I believe that's everything that I have set out to discuss. Is there anything that you want to else you want to say about it Krista?

@krazykrista [10:39]: I just wanted to mention that we also randomly distribute them to people in the community on people who are active. We have been one over on Steemit some telling people to come see us including that in some of our posts inviting them over to the community. And sometimes it's nice to get a little surprise when they show up to visit with us.

@akrid [10:57]: Isn't that awesome? So I guess that covers exactly what we wanted to let you guys know. And does anybody have any questions concerning this?

@officialfuzzy [11:07]: Yeah I'll ask you how many people do you see who join up who are kind of surprised they don't have to buy upvotes and that they can earn them from helping out?

@akrid [11:17]: Actually most people are surprised by it. We point them directly towards the people who run the contest, the people who are sponsored. And they think that it is an awesome opportunity to have all that laid out for them to essentially interact with the communities that that they're being introduced to. And then their next question is how do I become sponsored? So what we like to do is, we like to give sponsorships to some of the newer people with fresh ideas and support them as they grow. And once they're able to support their own contest on their own accord with the upvotes and community standing that they've earned throughout the time of our sponsorship, we like to move on and give that opportunity to other people.

@officialfuzzy [12:08]: Well let me ask you then on the other side what is the biggest complaint about whaleshares?

@akrid [12:15]: Well the biggest complaint is usually people who do not know or understand how to use it. There's some confusion on who to send the account to and what the name of the asset is for instance. It's the asset name is whaleshare instead of whaleshares. And the account you send it to is called whaleshares with an S and not whaleshare.

@krazykrista [12:43]: It takes a lot of time sometimes to explain that to people because there is a very real language barrier going on in a lot of instances. Hence the need for a. Spanish channel. But there's also you know it's such a diverse place so it takes a while to explain it to people how to use them. But we usually get the job done so.

@akrid [13:00]: Yeah we always also encourage people to use Whaleshares.net. That allows you to verify your posts before adding value to it and gives you the information listed there to know who to send the asset to and which asset to use.

@officialfuzzy [13:17]: Yeah and one thing that I want to make clear to people who might not be here but are listening. And that is that what @krazyKrista just said we normally help them get it figured out. And that's an important statement because what I would say is that a lot of people when they start using bitshares in general, it's a very difficult ecosystem for them to figure out because they're so used to just a wallet where all you can do is send and receive and that's it. You don't have to go elsewhere you don't have to do anything. But to a degree you guys are actually acting as customer support for bitshares in a way by doing this. So I want to make that clear too because the kind of an important thing to have people here because you guys are working over there to help out the community but you're also kind of helping bitshares and the process and steemian's right? It's helping both.

@akrid [14:13]: That's absolutely true we do have a lot of people approach us with issues and we help them and resolve their issues and teach them the interface as much as we possibly can. We are also excellent at onboarding new members to the Bitshares exchange. For instance I myself have 76 referrals so far in the past month and a half maybe two months? So it definitely creates an opportunity where people can be introduced to tools that they had no clue existed in the first place. It's really great cross-chain application or example of a cross chain compatibility.

@officialfuzzy [14:53]: And that's a good point. One thing that if people were to sell this in my opinion, if people were to promote this on Steem and elsewhere we would see that the crypto ecosystem would say, wait a second they can do things like this because the chains are so fast and users can't do that anywhere else, I see that as one of the biggest selling points and I think that you guys helping to build a community it can help display that and can help other people understand it and even use it that's what you guys are doing. Your planning see it so I really appreciate what you're doing. I appreciate the blocktrades continuing to give the steempower or delegation to our community into the people who are helping. Because you guys are doing amazing stuff over there and you don't really get paid enough so I'll say that too.

@akrid [15:43]: Yeah and just like you said the use case is so quick that once you send the transaction to receive the vote it happens within just a few seconds. I had one time the nodes were acting up and I had to wait 30 seconds, I almost had a heart attack.

@officialfuzzy [16:00]: 30 seconds is some of the fastest cryptocurrencies out there other than bitshares and steem. So you actually have people out there promoting that their cryptocurrencies are 30 seconds or less.

@akrid [16:11]: Yeah and I also want to point out the fact that there have been many examples of people who join whaleshares community and actually develop their own unique projects from within and with the help of people around there. There's a lot of great great projects such as hairshares, voiceshares, there's build-a-whale @themarkymark hangs out in whaleshares all the time, it's a great company to have around. And these people develop great things and we like to support that and are always willing to help. You'll always find somebody there who is interested in growing and building and creating things, it's awesome.

@officialfuzzy [16:54]: Does anybody here in this community right here have any questions or comments they'd like to bring up?

@intelliguy [16:59]: I'd like to thank these two amazing individuals for persevering and do what they do. They do it at so many different hours of the day, late, really late at night quite often. Only to just wake up here early in the morning, today I've seen that I've been part of that. I don't know if anybody else is interested that hears this. It's always nice to just watch other people do really good work. But sometimes they might want to have a day off or do something else. So if anybody else has the urge to kind of get interested in what they do and maybe try it out for a day or you know help them out, I bet you if I ask them right now they might be interested in getting a third or fourth person to take some of the load off of them. Is that true? That's my question?

@akrid [17:43]: Yeah we're always willing to help people who are looking out for the best interest of the community. So if they are looking to provide any sort of service that they want or get involved in the community in any way, we're always there to ready to support them as far as we can.

@krazykrista [18:02]: @Akrid is the boss dude so I'm just letting him answer that part for you. We try to get in people involved though. Like he said if they want to be involved, absolutely it is a lot of hard work. I'm usually one of the three of us is there, either me myself @akrid or @SteemPowerPics. So I think that we've got like the mod part of it pretty well done. But it's busy, well you know attending a voice chat one day or you know being there to whatever help with each other so I mean it's a great team that we have going.

@intelliguy [18:31]: Well that's kind of why I asked that question. [It] is because I worry about that. You can have a great team. This is not to sell you guys short, but. I've seen this time and time again over the years, we have a great team, they do it for six months, the fascination kind of wears off and then you lose a member. And I just you know rather than see it the forecast down the road that that might happen or life gets busy, if there's somebody else that wants to get in now while you guys are setting the great examples on a part-time basis and say you know I don't mind doing the first week of the month you know, or these days or those days. Now would be the time when when they've got this synergy going on. And it's a great experience is to get involved now. So you can get you guys can bleed off into a third or a fourth or a fifth person, so that we have like a group of five that just go through. And you guys could still be the heads of the group but there's somebody else. Like if I had more time I would do it myself too. I would sit in their fur. It's not hard. Yeah you sit in there for 3-4 hours and then I guess you deal with whoever comes by and and talks to them. Like I'm starting to learn what you guys do as I watch.

@akrid [19:37]: Yeah that's a that's a great point and right now is a good time for people to step up and show that they are willing and able to contribute in a meaningful manner. And just like the contest coordinators I kind of give them a revolving door to be able to support themselves. One of these days I'm going to want to step away and move on to bigger and better things, so I'll need to make sure that somebody else is here to take my place when it's needed.

@officialfuzzy [20:04]: Well I'll say this I think that what we're gonna be in ending up seeing is, if. I get what I'm doing accomplished, the whaleshares community will be a very strong community to leverage it. So those bigger and better things I will say I'm trying to bring them to you guys. We'll see how it works out. Because I can't obviously say how the community will respond. But because I think I sometimes like for instance whaleshares I thought that it would go viral and there'd be you know, and it was going viral on steem, but it didn't end up doing where I thought it was going to go. And we won't get into the reasons why but I will say that with what we're doing I look forward to bringing it to the whaleshares community. Because I think that these bigger and better things are coming and I'm glad that we have a community. Because I will be very honest I don't have to touch the whaleshares community. I'm very rarely even going into the whaleshares discord these days because the things that I'm doing. But I know that that community and the people who are who are in it and working on it are doing amazing things and I don't have to micromanage them. So kind of in the in the light of what @Intelliguy was saying, you guys have kind of accomplished that for me. So I appreciate it greatly and it's enabling me to help do some of these things that I think is going to be extremely valuable moving forward for us.

@akrid [21:32]: Yeah and one thing that I find about the character of the people who join as they are all open and willing and actively searching for new opportunities, new projects to get on board. So like I said many of them have created their own projects and moved on to their own things that they want to accomplish. And I think that there's a lot of people there who are looking for something like that as well. Everybody is looking for a way to succeed in the world and I think you're doing a great job providing that.

@officialfuzzy [22:05]: Well the tools that you guys will have will be better. I look forward to that day and I look forward to seeing what happens from it. Because a lot of the people that are there, they're working off of let's face it, they're not they're working off of fumes. Like whaleshares yes they're valuable but for the size of the community it's hard to get a community that's going to be able to be well funded with that. So I could of course put beyondbits toward it but beyondbits you're going toward developing stuff and helping things in this whaletank. But we're going to be moving more and more in the direction of developing stuff and paying for the development of stuff to make this stuff easier for you guys. So I'm glad that we're going to be able to offer it. And I look forward to seeing you guys with these Voltron tools in your hands. Because you're doing well with the first one. And now with that said we have a couple minutes left. Is there anything that you guys would like to wrap up on and how can people contact you guys?

@akrid [23:01]: Well we're always available on Discord and I would encourage you to follow some of the key members on Steemit, that would be great to do. Especially at contests that's the easiest way to find access to all of the giveaways and potential ways to earn those whale shares.

@officialfuzzy [23:19]: Sounds good. Maybe I'll have to do something - maybe we can do a contest on that tweeting some of these contests. We'll make it a meta contest. All right.

@akrid [23:28]: There you go.

@officialfuzzy [23:30]: Well I will also let everybody know that you can reach out and you can join the whaleshares Discord from the RSVP posts, I posted a link in there. Sometimes the link that is not supposed to ever go bad, goes bad. So if that happens let me know but otherwise you can always go to our our RSVP posts and we have the whale shares discord linked directly in there. Now with that said ,thank you for joining up today, you too. And thank you mostly for everything that you're doing behind the scenes. I think it's very important that you kept up to be able to talk about what you were doing today, very important. But now with that said crypto hippie aka forest willie from Peerity is going to be speaking about some updates on the Peerity project. Peerity was launched here. Their presale was launched here. And I'm looking forward to hearing what updates they have.

@crypto-hippy [24:19]: Well good morning everybody um I wanted to stop by it's been a while since I've been on the show and just give you guys some updates on where we're at Peerity. We just launched. Our public presale is going on right now and that has started on November 1st. I'll put a link to it here in mumblem I'll put it in the chat. Moving forward we've got a couple different directions and people or groups of people that we're trying to market to first. Music is one of those because music is something that everybody understands and there's always communities built around music. Is anybody not familiar with our project?

@officialfuzzy [25:08]: Could you give them, just for anybody who's listening after the fact, could you maybe give them like a minute intro?

@crypto-hippy [25:15]: Sure no problem. So Peerity was built after we were inspired by Steem but wanted to take it to the next level as far as community building goes. And so we did that by going offline into real-life situations, so we not only reward content like Steemit but we also reward human interaction and group human interaction within communities that are started on the platform. So it's came a long ways. To be honest I didn't realize how big of a project this was when we started it. There's really no end to what communities could be created and what activities could be rewarded within those communities. We kind of had to narrow it down a bit. And not that it's not for all communities in any communities but we in order to pitch it we had to break it down to how it would work in the music industry. We have a little promo video and I just threw that in the chat. So yeah it's a whole universe of possibility to say the least. So within that another some other exciting news you know I've talked on here before about handshake. And what handshake is is our way of writing smart contracts within our platform. And we wanted to make something that is easy for the average person to use. Ask your mom or dad or brother sister how to use a smart contract and they might look at you with the blank stare on their face. Ask some of us how to use smart contracts and you might get the same stare. And so we wanted to just make it easy for communities to create smart contracts, [that] know what they're getting into and then also put those for people to use. So that's Peerity. We're rewarding on and offline activity. That's the introduction right there Fuzzy.

@officialfuzzy [27:31]: Thank you.

@akrid [27:31]: Are you building your own blockchain are you utilizing like graphene or EOS so once it comes out?

@crypto-hippy [27:37]: We're building it on Tendermint actually.

@akrid [27:40]: Okay I'm not familiar with that.

@crypto-hippy [27:42]: Tendermint is it's basically a blockchain toolkit that you can build block chains on top of and build interfaces to interact with the blockchain as well, so. Yet it's the guys that are doing cosmos.

@akrid [27:58]: Interesting.

@crypto-hippy [28:02]: now, you might have heard of cosmos cross chain like interaction. Basically it's what they're working on right now but. So we built on Tendermind. Our crowd sale that we're doing right now, it's an erc20 token and so you'll need an Ethereum wallet to participate in that. And those tokens are then tradable for our token when launched. Another exciting thing that I wanted to talk about was, on our crowd sale page we put up a... Well we have everything we have the details of our token sale, where the funds are going we have what our token model is. But the exciting thing for me was this road map that we did? We are well into...[cut off]

@officialfuzzy [28:52]: That looks nice by the way.

@steempowerpics [28:53]: At what point will the Peer crowdfund tokens over on the Bitshares DEX be tradable over to the actual Peer coin wallet?

@officialfuzzy [29:01]: And what says in here, the token presale. And then they go into platform alpha launch invite-only testnet would be December 2017. I would imagine that would be on the time that you would actually be able to use those tokens but they would be just like a test version of that. I mean know most likely launch it with the Genesis block those will be in some way shape form. Kind of think of. Bitshares in this case as an ERC20. And of course for those who are not familiar, the actual crowdfunder, the token crowd sale that they began, they're starting out higher than the highest price that people bought in on. Bitshares. So they gave us and the people at BeyondBitcoin a substantial discount on getting in on this. And as you can tell, when you look at their. Peerity.io/crowdsale#section 6a that's where you go to the road map. You can see that they're on their road map in there going in the direction of that.

@akrid [30:05]: How's the pre-sale going so far?

@officialfuzzy [30:08]: I believe the pre-sale has ended on Bitshares and they are now moved to the. ERC 20.

@akrid [30:14]: Yeah that was the early adopters I guess on bit shares in the ERC 20s November 1st through November 30th or until sold out. I was just curious to see how many.

@officialfuzzy [30:25]: Yeah of course.

@akrid [30:26]: have been sold so far in the four days it's been running?

@officialfuzzy [30:29]: Well that's a good question. I don't know. I'd like to hear from a forest on that one to be honest with you. Perfectly.

@crypto-hippy [30:35]: Can you guys hear me? Alright. So yeah it's it's coming not as quickly as we.

@akrid [30:36]: There he is.

@crypto-hippy [30:42]: would like but we have a bunch of PR coming out today. We had a guy just doing marketing for us and so a lot of the stuff that he's been working on is going into effect today. We're hoping to see a bigger turnout at the crowdsale. Yeah kind of explained... so that's like one.

@steempowerpics [31:03]: Yeah that the promo video is nice.

@crypto-hippy [31:08]: type of community that could use Peerity.. And it's hard to just sell something that you can say... Yeah it's anything you want, whatever you want to make of it you know. And so for that promo video just one use case you know. We're gonna make a bunch more promo videos as well. And a bunch of more use cases and trying to show people. One of the ones that was always close to my heart was just education, why couldn't you reward kids for going to school? There's not much not much difference or.

@officialfuzzy [31:47]: Yeah.

@crypto-hippy [31:49]: even just what we're doing here right now beyond Bitcoin hangout this is online but we could also reward stuff like this. It's exciting. There's no limit to what community you might start. As long as you can build community around it and have active members then everybody can get rewarded. So it's really exciting for me, really excited exciting project for us.

@officialfuzzy [32:15]: Well this might bring you a lot of funding. Have you considered pitching this to George Soros for his bought and paid protests? Maybe this is a way that you can get a huge injection of money.

@crypto-hippy [32:24]: Have not.

@officialfuzzy [32:31]: Hey hey mr. Soros you evil man why don't you pay a bunch of people in here any tokens to the protest. Now or you could you know ask him to do the education

@crypto-hippy [32:41]: [Bad cut]

@officialfuzzy [32:44]: thing I don't think he'd be so happy with that. But all joking aside.

@crypto-hippy [32:49]: We'll take his money that's fine.

@officialfuzzy [32:52]: But well all joking aside, have you guys considered potentially leveraging the whaleshares community on this? They might be able to promote Peerity quite a

@crypto-hippy [33:01]: yeah that's something that I'm definitely interested in [but]

@officialfuzzy [33:01]: bit.

@crypto-hippy [33:06]: who would I talk to at this point? I know it's kind of changed a bit since I was last hanging out there but...

@officialfuzzy [33:12]: Well you're actually in here. The two of the people who are some of the bigger people in the whaleshares community actually came in today to talk about the project in general before you did. So yeah it would be something they could direct all their contests towards all their contest people towards doing something with you know?

@crypto-hippy [33:32]: Okay well yeah I'd say I'm shoot me a little email. You can just do forest forr est @peerity dot io or talk on discord that's even easier.

@akrid [33:44]: Yeah stopping at Discord anytime. We're always there, feel free to message me @akrid or @krazykrysta or @steempowerpics.

@crypto-hippy [33:52]: Cool yeah I would really appreciate that because we're like I said. It costs a lot of money to run an ICO man so any other help that.

@officialfuzzy [34:01]: Yes it does.

@crypto-hippy [34:03]: we can get would be great.

@officialfuzzy [34:05]: Well one of the reasons why you've heard people in steem, steemleadership I guess we call it. Would come out and say that Steem is the perfect place for ERC types of tokens. The reason why they're saying that it is that you could leverage the people on Steem to distribute tokens to them in return for doing things for us. So for instance with the tokens for tweets that. I do. We can actually leverage steem and steempower. To be frank with you, other networks that offer similar things not just steem right? But we could leverage those to actually kind of not only get the message out on Steem but on other platforms. And not only get the message out but even have phases where you create content and things that people can propagate for the second phase. I'm sure this is being recorded. I'm showing that there will be a post about how valuable steem is and how probably by steem leadership with this idea in the future. So clap for them whenever they repeat this on their own blogs. But just something that you guys can see, this is something that we can do today. And like I said, and like you guys can see, whaleshares community, they're a group of badasses. If we can make them Wales in different ecosystems they're gonna do more valuable things. So I mean that's what we do it right? Make each other Wales by promoting things that we believe in. And that we know that the people who are surrounding us you know have ethics and a vision. And that's what they have in whaleshares. So maybe I'll spend a little extra time trying to make connections on that one for you.

@crypto-hippy [35:48]: Yeah man I'd appreciate it and anybody's help that wants to help - I'll definitely be stopping by the Discord later on and seeing what we can work out. So yeah we're trying to keep this thing moving man. We love the idea it's something that really has the potential to change a lot of things and that's kind of why I'm in this whole thing.

@officialfuzzy [36:10]: Well I'll say this: despite the fact that you guys are doing an ICO and that costs a lot of money. You have amazing development. You have at least one person and most likely I think two people that I really know, that I can vouch for as far as their skills. And one of them is absolute badass. So with that said... I mean I'm certain that one of them is badass. So the thing is.

@crypto-hippy [36:36]: Yeah. Yeah. They all are really.

@officialfuzzy [36:42]: you're gonna have the code. I don't think that that's gonna be the problem.

@crypto-hippy [36:46]: Yep now they're all they're all pretty badass coders man, it amazes me what they're able to get done in the amount of time that they can get it done in. This is this first round that we're doing right now is basically our presale and like a full-on ICO will be held in. February. But this is basically just gonna build out the rest of the platform, or build the beta and get it all up and running. And then market next ICO and then we'll be on to mass adoption! [laughs]

@officialfuzzy [37:26]: Sounds good. Well you actually have, about a minute ago, you passed the 15-minute mark. So if there's anything that you would like to say? Unless you're planning on passing out tokens today? But I'm pretty sure that that's not the point this juncture right? Okay.

@crypto-hippy [37:40]: No not right now but I wish I could.

@officialfuzzy [37:43]: Well obviously you have tokens that you have for sale that's what's going on at this juncture, this phase.

@crypto-hippy [37:50]: Right right. So yeah anybody can just email me at forest at peerity dot io if you need to get ahold of me. And I'm in discord as crypto hippie. It's great talking to you guys. I've been gone for a while and glad to be back here listening, so thank you guys.

@officialfuzzy [38:10]: Thank you. What we'll do is go ahead and do is. We'll say thank you for joining up today and we will see you guys here at 2:30 p.m. UTC. And I look forward to hearing more of what's going on in the ecosystem and keeping up with you. See you next week.


BTW installing Java is a PITA on Mac OS El-Capitan, be sure to read this blog post on how to install it. You need just the JRE but I installed the JDK.

Nice post, thanks for sharing this.

I liked a very nice post

Amazing post! Thank you..

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