Build-a-Whale Beyondbitcoin Whaletank Ep. 221 audio interview and transcript

in #beyondbitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Intro Build-a-Whale

@officialfuzzy: Let's go ahead and move on to @theMarkyMark and he's working on project build-a- whale. So go ahead and step up to the plate buddy and let everybody know. If you can just a very quick short overview of what it is and give some updates on what you're wanting to talk about today.

Skip to 2:12 to get to Build-a-Wahle

(Steemit doesn't support YouTube's time jump)

@theMarkyMarkAll right can you hear me all right?

@officialfuzzy: perfectly.

Organic upvotes

@theMarkyMark: Awesome because I'm on the road here though the road here. Build-a-whae is a voting bot. That's how it started. And we added a curation and human aspect to it. Where anything that gets bidded on can become curated and show up in our daily digest. We just released the ninth issue I believe is what our chief put out this morning, o earlier yesterday. So we've been doing daily digests that goes over what people have submitted and picks the best content. We're looking expanding that out.
We have over a thousand organic upvotes for that content so far in just under two weeks. So that's been picking up.
So just hit over 300 followers for the build a whale. Our biggest thing right now is to find a sponsor. I have somebody that might be interested but we're working it out. We're trying to get do a hundred thousand to five hundred thousand Steempower so you can have a much bigger reward pool and take on a lot more people in expand out to more digestion and do a lot more with that and.
That's our biggest hurdle right now is to overcome that. The other thing I'm working on is some some gamification bots that will take advantage of playing games and prediction models and stuff like that. That well either happen through comments or through a different channel to allow people to participate in that as well. Which is pure gameplay.
If @chiefmappster has anything else to say I was going to open up the questions.

What we'd do with a 1000 BeyondBits

@chiefmappster yeah I was just going to talk about what we're doing with the thousand beyondbit, it if we got it.
And then also some information about the curation digest.

First we have like you said done nine issues. But it's actually been 14 pieces of content from those issues. About issue four we went into two parts. It could give the author's 24 hour exposure. So we do it every 12 hours and we're doing this so that the authors, the first part is just kind of a quick knowledge bug nuggets. It's what the other guilds do, so we basically do exactly what the guilds to do for the first part. And then the second part we actually built and give the feedback and comprehensive feedback that people want.
You know like three four paragraphs of the feedback they really want in part two. So it's been now we got a lot of awesome comments. People are staying on Steemit just because of us.

People are staying on Steemit just because of us.

That feels good because I know that happened with certain people when we started writing too. So it's definitely good to see the cycle. The one thing we reduced for the thousand beyondbit is; right now you know it's cool that it was just getting started but the articles that we nominate would be nice to be able to use be on beyondbits to vote on them.
You know some of them are older posts which is cool because we're not folks on the curation post. Any person from you know posting the old as long as that person wants support. But we want to use these beyondbits to maybe vote on their current articles or if they're still available to vote on, do those vote on with the beyondbits.
It's because what we're doing is, I'll talk about a little bit more about points in community casino. We're going to introduce points in build a whale so the people that appear in these digest we get points. And we want to tie the points to beyondbit. At least use these thousand maybe at one point equals three, you know beyondbit. Something like that until we get it listed. And then we can just go from there.
So that's where you were to use the thousand beyondbits for. We will use it to reward the articles right now by voting on them and then we would also use it to start the points and get them used to it, by tying in to it. Before they can be listed on bitshares.

Curation digest

@officialfuzzy: So is everything is getting built to automate this stuff or you guys going to be doing this manually?

@chiefmappster: The one thing I guess we talk more about the curate that digest, that's why we're kind of doing two parts as well as we're getting into readership ready for more than one article from the build-a-whale account. The goal is to do 8 to 12 are enclosed a day from the build-a-whale account. But we just need the bidding window to go up so we already are about four days behind and curation. We have too many articles to curate so we're just waiting. We don't want to grow too much domain so that's why we're kind of waiting for the next sponsor, the next bump up to expand to different curations. So we're gonna have a crypto curation digest every day. So the five topical articles there.
And then we're also going to know all the major tags. And what @theMarkyMark's doing is eventually we have about working that we'll just scan a transfer list build-a-whale, according to the tags.
And then just send it to the the right curators. So like the music or any article coming in with music will go to a music curator right in that digest same with tag.
We know where this is only our second week, and we've done a lot of good but we definitely want to automate as much as possible, to well to help with efficiency.

@officialfuzzy: Yeah and you guys are saying, one of the reasons I'm bringing it up is, because you're saying when it's listed like whenever you create a token on bitshares I'm assuming?

@chiefmappster: Yep.

@officialfuzzy: Okay well before I get any further because I have so many questions like I can get into...
Does anybody have any questions o comments from the community? Okay where I'll go with this is this: I'm interested in curation and seeing these different experiments. What have you guys figured out as far as how you're gonna get income from it? Is it going to be something like just from the bidding and maybe you guys can give us some information on on the bidding? If that's going to be the sole, well either way really, if that's gonna be the manner of it, receiving income?

@chiefmappster: @themarkymark you want to talk about the bot bidding window and possibly the trail?

@themarkymark: So what we're doing; the bidding is what keeps the the bot with steempower. And right now it's right around break-even or less depending on what we're gonna renew at and what not. So that's just keeping it having a valuable service fo the people that are looking for immediate pleasure. The next part of it is a curation aspect. If you look at other curation like OCD for example they pull in three figures on their daily digest. And we're hoping to start growing that part so that's bringing enough revenue to support that part of it in the curators and make everyone happy for that part. And then we're looking at building a trail that will follow the people that are curated. So we'll vote on it and we'll have a trail operator that'll start the trail. And then we want to get people on board to start following that trail to give more exposure and more benefit to people that are curated but also to bring in curation rewards and stuff like that and build a revenue model from that.

@officialfuzzy: okay so one of the things that I'm kind of asking and I'm trying to figure out is; do you have like a model to project income from this? And the hard thing is to model it against something that already has a lot of steempower delegated to it. And the reason I ask is is not because I don't want to give tokens to it. It's more, am I giving tokens to it when it's not going to be able to turn them around and really capitalize on them as well as maybe if it was doing something else. Which also brings me to wanting to talk about the gamification aspects that you're bringing in. And how that might be able to make money. But I'll go ahead and I'll let you answer the first question before I dig into everything else.

Curation awards

@themarkymark: I think with a large amount of steempower that the bot will start making profit and start doing well with the curation rewards. Because the amplified voting power will increase the curation rewards significantly. Right now we're making four to six dollars a day curation rewards which helps get to break-even point and handle the cost of the steem power which is the biggest hurdle. And I'm trying to find a private sponsor that can do without outside of the lease and we're currently doing.
Especially since middle who's had just jacked up the price of 33%. And smooth is very inflexible to deal with. He doesn't want to do anything outside of it. He doesn't want to spend time talking. I have a few other people that I'm looking at that I'm trying to get a dialogue open with. Some people for example that are self loading and like destroying the reputation. At least this way they can get some revenue and and not have to have any effort involved and not damage the community by doing what everyone's frowning upon.

How much are we making per day

@chiefmappster: @themarkymark how much are we making per day?

@themarkymark: It ranges anywhere from 20 to 36 for the bots plus curation anywhere from 20 to 36 rewards. On the bad days it's in the teens to 20. On the good days it's in the mid thirties. And then you have another for three to six on curation rewards. I think one day we had like three and a half because uh we got a dtube video that was actually curated which pulled in a big $2.00 curation reward. And the interesting thing about curation rewards is; it's really funny because I've had a few people that have been ten cents, in some significant cases uh fifty cents and it pulled in a dollar and a half curation reward. Because the post then grew up and did pretty well. So um those are really nice and that helps a lot too as well. But on average we're looking at about three to six, mostly around the four half range per day in the curation aspect. And if we go with the steempower we're looking at doing which is a hundred thousand minimum, ideally five hundred thousand, looking at five to twenty five times that.

@officialfuzzy: Okay how much do you give out per day and funds to post?

@themarkymark: Right now we're not doing any. We were posting a lot of Beyond bits on the initial week to get exposure. And now we've been trying to grow it organically.

@officialfuzzy: Oh I mean the actual earnings, the cumulative earnings across all of the upvotes that you guys give out. And all that stuff?

@themarkymark: Like how much we're giving out to the end-users?

@officialfuzzy: Yeah. @themarkymark: So far we haven't been doing a lot. We've been handing out some beyond bits. @chiefmappster has been doing that.
And I've been upvoting anybody that comes through and whatnot. But right now it's been just exposure. We just don't have the steem power and the resources to make a significant difference.

@chiefmappster: They're basically… Using those we want to use those up force eventually from build-a-whale account to reward it. But we can't do that right now because it'll throw out the bidding window, because of how small the window is. So once we've more steem power than we don't have to worry about that.
And we can use the actual voting to reward people as well. But we need there's a thousand to things to prove it to the whales. And the people get through that to the next to next point. And I mean the authors are really giving a lot of benefit already from the feedback. But it would be nice to give them some rewards too. Because a lot of the stuff they write is epic.

@themarkymark: The goal is to have two accounts: build-a-whale is doing the automation and doing the bidding window.
In any votes or anything that's done by that account would affect the end-user product. And that's why we don't want to use that as a reward system. So what I want to do is have another account that can follow it. Either be the chip trail operator that has the power tied to it kind of like @acidyo does and some other things. And that will be what starts the trail but it also has some steem power to make a significant difference. So it's not just saying it's a zero percent upvote.

@officialfuzzy: Oh yeah.

@themarkymark: But I think a lot of people have been really happy just being featured? Because it's increased exposure, some of the articles we looked at have gained significant up votes and views when they're exposed through this. And a lot of people are starting to read this. We're getting a lot of organic upvotes not the trail or paid upvotes.
Some of the posts have had a hundred and thirty up votes. And I would say about ten of those were me bidding on them through bidding bots or providing things.
But the rest of them were all organic. "Hey that's great idea" and "cool content" type of up votes and not the "Hey this is going to be financially profitable, let's upvote it".

Not doing it for the money

@officialfuzzy: Well I don't know exactly... How do you guys measure that?

@themarkymark: You really can't. But we look at the comments like some of the ones have had like 50 comments on it. And a significant dialogue going on. It's not just...

@officialfuzzy: So you can see that there's a there's a large heart it's not just a bunch of bots that are following you? @themarkymark: Yes.

@officialfuzzy: And saying.. cuz man I'll tell you right now I get those all the time and it's it's so frustrating.

@themarkymark: one thing I noticed is a lot of the em, in the bidding window that I look through the transfers and stuff, I see a lot of the same people reusing the service.
There's a significant group of people. I would say at least 20 that I know by heart, maybe 30, that use it on a daily basis. And some use it for quite a few times a day. So it's not something that people are using once and then forgetting about it. And there's a few people that are saying that this is their favorite bot. And because we're human and we respond like you take read- a-whale that he bought belly rub, any of those and you do anything with them, you've pretty much thrown in the black hole and you just hope for the best. But we've been responding and talking to people. And I have this like little meme I'm trying to start with the plush whale? That I post on. When people post certain things I'll post a specific picture of a whale that you can actually have designed on Etsy. And I thought it was cute. I was trying to start that type of little symbolism.

@officialfuzzy: I'm interested in hearing more about this you guys are at about 17 seconds left. Is there anything, that if people want to help or participate in this project in any way. Is there any way they can reach out to you to do so?

Reach us on Discord

@themarkymark: Discord is probably the best bet to get ahold of me and then we can talk about any other way. We have a build-a-whale discord. And then we're on whale shares a lot.I can post a link for the other discord that we that we're running. It's a public discord where people could join in the channel. @chiefmappster: And if you kind of want to see the impact we're having? Just read any of the comments on the curation digests or any articles they nominate. And that's really all I need to see.

@themarkymark: Yeah people have been really expressive about it which is awesome. And one last thing to answer your question about the gamification: I don't have anything ironed out that I can talk about, but one of the things would be a prediction type of thing where people can predict things and then there's a pool that they get rewarded off.
I want to have this automated to either do like a bidding system where they can bid in to it and then it cuts out that way. Or through comments where people can do public bids that way and they'll automatically go to through the comments and handle it that way. Kind of like how community casino does their hand where they post in the comments and they go through each week and go through them. So I want to have build a system that processes comments and do that type of thing.
Automate that and adds different games that way.

Closing thoughts

@officialfuzzy: Sounds cool, so we can definitely talk a little bit more during after party. And also in other hangouts to come. I'm very interested in what you guys are doing. I would like to figure some more stuff out that I don't think that we have quite time to talk about today. But I will say one thing: I really hope that you guys consider the potential of using a coin.
To maybe even crowdfund to get SP (SteemPower).
There are a lot of cool things that can be done and I noticed that you guys are both pretty big thinkers about this stuff. So it's good to see that and it's good to see that you guys are trying some new things. And that it's getting some traction. Maybe a crowd funder is a way of leveraging people's unwillingness to do anything unless it's for money. To get them to consider joining up and being part of it. Maybe even being able to earn those tokens by delegating steem power instead of buying things with them. However I will say thank you for joining up, and we will gladly talk with you guys about this stuff in the after party.


You've been listening the #BeyondBitcoin whaletank. As a reminder our well taking hangouts are every Friday at 3 p.m.
Universal Time.
Be sure to follow the beyond bitcoin tag on steemit. Be sure to follow these hangout post on @officialfuzzy's blog for the latest things and updates. Gets all of us here to be on the BeyondBitcoin Whaletank. We want to thank you for being a part of the discussion.


Holy smokes this is epic buddy. Thank you so much for doing this.

This is incredible :)


Thanks I wasn't very sure what you were talking about until I edited the automatic captions :) I hope it helps. I hoped to do more but I didn't have time this week :( Good luck tomorrow and I'll hope @AppleCrisp can take over!

Hahaha ayyyyyyy I was like how did he do all that. I manually transcribe some interviews sometime and holy smokes is that a job haha.

Thank you so much, will miss your presence buddy.

I am sure he can handle it :)

God bless.


Thanks, I had asked @AppleCrisp to take over for me, he's a real cool guy, listening now to build-a-whale but I didn't hear fuzzy announce him or the Decent project :(

I missed you guys! Family :)

Awh yeah I only heard a little bit. Not sure what happened my friend.

But miss ya too buddy, hope to see and talk to you soon.

God bless.


Oh all is good! I listened yesterday to the recording and @AppleCrisp spoke and there where a lot of questions, I'll transcribe that part first and answer the questions @officialfuzzy had since I could not attend.

Ahh gotcha gotcha yeah it was an interesting Whaletank to say the least. Looking forward to it because I missed it somehow.

And looking forward to next week o weeee

And I must get into your POINTS system, I hope I'll get the transcript in-time buddy!

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So this worked out pretty good. Did it help with my source audio begin cleaned up first? as far as getting the transcript out?

Hey @steempowerpics! Thanks for upvoting my RSVP btw.

Good question, I don't know honestly I should test both versions. Your outro wasn't well understood by YouTube's automatic-captioning and I had to follow closely what you were saying at the end :) I hope I got it right!

I can just give you my intro/outro text - it does not change now. Only edit was to remove the part about Friday and the time. In the end mine may not be the official one used on the BeyondBitcoin media/video channel - I don't like my voice LOL

Oh I think your voice is pretty good! But it was hard to understand with all the music in the background.

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