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RE: The case for bitGOLD and bitSILVER

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago

liquidity is first and most serious problem why bitshares is not good solution (at the moment!) for trading gold. All gold volume is made on futures markets and bitGold is not an asset someone would like to have because one day he can wake up and realize that 4 investors that were market makers decided to stop trading bitgold.

Digix platform offers much better but also much much serious solution. As i saw, they are in direct communication with Singapore regulators and even decided to participate in one program where they can close them for 6 months just to check if they are doing honest and serious business without having the process stopped. This is very awesome.

Third but not mentioned here possibility for gold trading will be on Augurs decentralized platform. When someone opens futures market there and gets popularity (like nasdaq for eg.), all other etf-s, certificates and other market pledged asset trading models will get a competitor they will hardly be able to overtake

To conclude - bitshares should focus more on other things they do better and less with things other do better then bitshares community


Can you expand on the last sentence? What do they do better than most others?

+1 the above from me. I got in to bitshares for the decentralised trading platform amongst other reasons but not bitgold. What's everyone else in to bitshares for? Apart from profit that is...

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