HELP ME! Your vote counts for me to be on the BeyondBitcoin radio show Oct 21/2016 7am Pacific, 10am Eastern, 2pm UTC

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I NEED YOUR VOTE to talk about Zigbee technology that works with smart meters hooked up to your home.

Upvoting this post is nice, but there is one extra link to click where I need your vote.

Please go to this previous (7 day old) article, find the comment by @intelliguy and upvote it

A lot of people have heard about smart meters for their electricity. Very few have heard about the mesh network that Zigbee uses that those meters make possible.

If you can't attend the live show (I do hope you try).. you will be able to listen to the archive posted after the show concludes, usually 48 to 72 hours later.

In the meantime, I'm hoping that any of my followers who like my normal stuff, consider voting me up for that show, by going here:

..once again, find the @intelliguy COMMENT, and upvote my comment on that post.

If you want to attend the live show tomorrow, which uses the mumble client software, a headset to hear it, and you can even text chat or talk through your microphone, that other blog post I link to explains it further.

Zigbee is going to change the world. If you have a smart meter, your home is part of the Zigbee mesh network. So are the grocery stores you visit, the restaurants you eat at.  New consumer goods you buy (including your smartphone) will have Zigbee technology in it too.  However most people don't know what Zigbee is..

With your vote, I can get the introduction started.

If you vote here, that's only 50% of what I need for this to work.


Thanks very much for everyone who helped out. I sincerely appreciate it.


Done! Steem on! 👍😉

Voted here and on the comment!

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