Beyond Bitcoin Hangout - 6/10/16: (RSVP to Friday's Hangout, Ask Q's, Suggest topics or Promote your Favorite Project!)

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago

Join Every Friday @ 10AM EST/STD to talk CryptoShop & Give Project Updates!

Beyond Bitcoin hangouts enable everyone's voice to be heard--Steemit lets the community vote on our Top Guests!

For the next 3 hangouts I will be testing a new format for announcing hangouts in a way that gives everyone an incentive to promote our events and themselves, their projects and alliances that germinate in this very hangout community. So for a period of 3 weeks if you want to be covered in beyond bitcoin hangouts in any serious way, we will be asking for you to upvote this post, RSVP and give upvotes to other projects/topics you find valuable.

How to get Coverage
Post to this and future Hangout Announcements telling us if you are going to be there and what project/topic you would like to cover with the Beyond Bitcoin Community. The highest voted project/topics at the start of the hangout every Friday @ 10am EST will be covered first, followed 2nd highest, 3rd highest...etc in sequence from highest to lowest.

How much time will we have?
Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 2 hours. Given this, we will try to be as flexible with guest speakers as possible, but will be forced to limit the number covered in any hangout to 10. This should enable us to at least let people speak/take questions for 10-12 minutes each.

Is coverage all I get?
No. You also get the opportunity to post links relevant to your projects, steemit posts/updates about your project and have those links posted to soundcloud and the steemit thread where the hangout is posted.
We might even

Is any topic off Limits?
Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form.

How to join mumble?

Step 1 Download Mumble Client

Step 2

Step 3


CCEDK and in this case me Ronny "the runner" Boesing expect to show from start of hangout tomorrow.

It seems I can finally get it organized to take some time off to be there, and know this - I wish I could be there every friday. I will tell how I got that name "the runner" hehe, but more importantly I would like to give an update as to How I see the future on OpenLedger on the bitshares platform, how I see the decentralized conglomerate as a way to include the world onto the platform through co operation, sharing and cross-promoting eachother to eternity! Sounds nice I think, and is why I work like 18 hours a day on this, having family issues from time to time, but have told them I need two years to bring this project to the moon, and after that the conglomerate is meant to work on its own more or less and I can start spending most of my time simply participating in conferences worldwide telling everyone about the "gems" on BitShares platform just waiting to be located, explored and used.

June is a great month for so many things. We are really having lots of frontend being worked on to be done by the end of June. We have CCEDK to be relaunched on July 1st really meant as a great platform for all startups to go shopping for their best possible Start-up package when it comes to presenting their "baby" to the world for maximum exposure and in this way helping to create some awareness. Buying the services from CCEDK they will make use of all the ecoystems existing on the decentralized conglomerate OpenLedger, ICOO, OBITS with its Bloggers Club 500 and BTSR with its Ambassador's and later on this year an always missing factor in ongoing development will be added as well with its own ecosystem an asset.

June is great for the currencies to be added, and a whole 6 new currencies is expected to roll out sometime june 13th-16th of which one is a prelaunch ICO although outside normal struture and June 20th the latest a very nice project will be presented as the first prelaunch ICO where the world can subscribe on ICOO site and then receive an OPEN aset IOU of this ICO sent directly to their account and then bascally start trading it on the market of their choice. is up and running in full now, and soon we will be able to speak about what involvement bitshares will have on this platform, and I feel convinced that by the time we have our summit in Turkey in October 6-9th lots of synergies will have alrready been created.

See you tomorrow Friday June 10th at the Beyond Bitcoin hangout for more information on it all.

All the best, and forget "The sky is the limit"

Ronny Boesing
CCEDK Aps and founder of OpenLedger
CoinsBank LP

Looking forward to hearing the news :) Coinsbank looks very interesting would love to hear more about it

Unfortunately, I can't join. I am invited to the birthday party of one of the inventors of MP3 :)

Nice! Tell him to help PLAY :P

Peerplays Jonathan & Michael will be giving an update on the project.

As always, it is a pleasure for me to attend your mumble. Your energy and dedication are the driving force for BB.

Talk about Ingenesist Blog post (To be Posted Later)

This is a great resource and i am always looking forward to the weekly session; if your only listenting to the recording your missing out on the best part; community engagement and live chat; also generally we have an after party which if just a all topics go discussion and can range from 10 minutes to hours after the official hangout has finished.

if your not a mumbler. check it out; hope to see you next Friday :)

Coin Marketplace

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BTC 63342.09
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81