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RE: The case for bitGOLD and bitSILVER

i trade bitSILVER and bitGOLD markets every day as a market maker to provide the much needed liquidity. there seem to be a few others seriously trading those markets, as well, and i imagine we'll keep adding more traders over time when they see the relatively high spreads. Spreads are the incentive for liquidity providers. The bots are great and i applaud everyone deploying them on the DEX, we just need more of them. My take is that we don't need any further fancy incentives, just time for buzz to grow and traders to venture into our markets.

Despite wide spreads, both bitGOLD and bitSILVER provide excellent price exposure to their underlying assets. If you buy at a 10% premium to spot, you'll likely be able to sell again at some point for roughly the same premium and have been able to capture the price movement of the underlying.


Exactly! Lack of liquidity is an opportunity for market makers. If one places a reasonable order it tends to get filled. Just place an order and wait. Because Bitshares doesn't have a maker/taker fee schedule there is no reason for bots to place orders, they just snap up opportunities. Anyone can buy and sell gold for tiny fees and the market is only going to get more liquid.

yup, interesting point re: bots simply lurking in the background and snapping up deals. i also like liquidity provider bots, since they provide some visible depth to our markets.

the last point you made is great and i think the biggest value proposition we offer: "Anyone can buy and sell gold" ...we have no barriers, no bigotry, no political control psychosis, just markets open to the world.

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