Are We Living In A Simulation?

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Elon Musk, Bill Nye.  If you like or respect these people, you should hear some discussion being had.   Below is probably the quickest summary of the Simulation Theory, super short, if you want more in depth, look further down, but I suggest watching this video and then sending it to friends and family for fun.

Just this past year, the topic of the 2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson Is the Universe a Simulation?     The panelists include 

David Chalmers Professor of philosophy New York University 

Zohreh Davoudi Theoretical physicist Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

James Gates Theoretical physicist, University of Maryland 

Lisa Randall Theoretical physicist, Harvard University 

Max Tegmark Cosmologist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute of Technology

Grab some popcorn, this is a two hour video on the topic, Neil keeps things as light as possible and moving along with such a large topic and so many opinions, but it is a really good video if the topic is interesting at all to you.

Lastly a bonus video, Bill Nye's thoughts on the Simulation Theory

Hope you enjoyed this topic.   Please share with others and always talk about it in the most serious way to get the best stares out of people.


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this is creationism

That is just one element of the theory.

the other elements were explored by descartes in his evil demon thought experiment. there remains the fact that all of this is based on assumption that, it is possible therefore certain. elon musk says it out loud, and still no one hears it. i think, not even him. i need evidence, not conjecture. it is an intriguing idea but all of these starry eyed dreamers trying to convince people that their barest assertions are solid science is off putting to say the least. if you want to get any serious people to take this seriously, i would leave bill nye out of it. he's not a scientist, not by a long shot. i keep looking at these posts on simulation and keep coming up empty. i like the idea, but not the fanfare. science doesn't need fanfare to be correct. present something i can hang my hat on, and i'll gladly join you in entertaining this idea. please, i like interesting ideas with merit.

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