Exploration Groups - Idea For SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

I was reading a post by @initforthemoney where there was a great little exchange about the problem of content discovery with @littlejoeward . The issue is that content is either too random and therefore of reduced interest, or that you receive content that the platform thinks you are interested in and therefore you end up in a closed loop and interesting new content gets shut out. I was inspired to think of a sort of middle ground which may be too complex and unnecessary an algorithm but here it is exactly as it was commented:

What about if you could become a part of 'exploration groups' whereby the number of upvotes (as opposed to the weight) by members of that group on certain posts would determine the content of a separate feed (i.e. your exploration feed). Or perhaps it wouldn't even have to be groups, it could be that as well as following an individual, you could also choose to have them as part of your exploration team, so that their upvoting activity would add to the exploration feed. Or something like that.... by putting your trust in certain users interests, you could massively widen the scope of content within this feed.....instead of just relying on what people have resteemed

that was the comment. Then it was suggested that I post it to the Beyondbitcoin and Whaletank tags who are having some sort of ideas jam thing today? I havn't really got time to elaborate on the idea right now, but all I can say is that I personally feel semi-precious about my blog content at the moment and so Im not especially keen to resteem things even if I like them (I think its important as an entertainer not to be inconsistent for your followers, but what do I know, Im very new here) so lm less inclined to share interesting content that I discover. But if I felt that if I was contributing to an exploration group or that I had people who follow my explorations.... I mean perhaps there could even be a separate function that allows you to mark the content as EXPLORED or something, so that you can still upvote things as a show of support but not necessarily dilute your exploration output with them. I guess its like an automatic version of the curation posts that people make and hopefully your exploration feed contain a diverse and exciting range of all the content that your exploration team have discovered.

Anyway, thats my 2 pennies worth for the day, I have to go to work! Happy Jamming everyone, Be Good to one another!

Basil x



You should join us on Saturdays for the BeyondBitcoin community hangouts. We discuss things like this, especially in the informal after party at the end. I have many posts with the recent video recordings and how to in join the discussions with us.

thanks, I'll check it out! Only problem is I work on saturdays so I can't really join in at the time :(

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