The 6 trillion dollar plan?

in #bettertomorrow7 years ago (edited)

We have billion and trillions for this.

How much would it take to turn this

into that

We have the technology. This is just one of them. Do a google search and follow the stream...we have made big advances in the last 10 yr.s. We can buy water desalination units for under $5,000. that treat 4,000 + gallons a day!

Water Desalination Using 99% Less Energy With Pefrorene

By: David Russell Schilling | March 18th, 2013

Lockheed Martin’s Pefrorene, made from a single atom 100 nanometer thick sheet of graphene is 500 times thinner than the best desalination Reverse Osmosis technology available today and cuts energy expenses involved in the process by 99%.

Graphene (Image Courtesy

Graphene made of pure carbon atoms, is arranged in a honeycomb lattice structure at the atomic-level. Graphene sheets, carbon nanotubes, and Bucky Balls can be used as super strong materials, nanofilters and more.
More Efficient Desalination

Desalination is a process that removes salt and other minerals leaving fresh and drinkable water. Desalination has traditionally been used on seagoing ships and submarines.
Filter Types

Filter Types (Image Courtesy

Until recently, the main process of desalination was “multistage flash distillation” which uses heat to evaporate water, leaving the salt behind. This method accounted for 80% of all desalination installations until the 1990s.

Now a newer method, “reverse osmosis desalination” is the major desalination technology. In this method, water is pumped through filtration membranes to purify it. Membranes trap larger particles, letting water through the pores and letting smaller particles through to the other side.
Graphene filtering salt water

Graphene filtering salt water (Image Courtesy
Cheaper Desalination

In 2011 the US national resources Council reported that the cost of traditional sources of water are from $.90 to $2.50 per 1000 gallons produced. The cost of desalination on the other hand ranges from $1.50 to $8.00 for the same amount of water. These costs prevent some utilities from implementing desalination on a large scale.

With the new Graphene technology the cost of desalination will now be comparable to traditional sources of water. Lockheed Martin is planning to increase production of its graphing filters and deal with some of the issues such as Thin Film Composite (TFC) sheet tears.
Related articles on IndustryTap:

Tapping 90% of Earth’s Fresh Water Frozen in Glaciers and Icebergs
Sahara Forest Project: Turning Deserts Into Forested Havens
Desalination Spending to $16.6 Billion by 2016
Turning Deserts into Inhabitable Oases

Upcoming IndustryTap articles on Graphene & the Water Shortage

In coming articles on graphene we will look at its use as a super capacitor to store energy replacing batteries, as a core of advanced superconductors, and even as a solution to global warming through carbon sequestration. We will continue to report on the worldwide water shortage and any advances that are made.

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys research and writing about cutting edge technologies that hold the promise of improving conditions for all life on planet earth.

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This is just one.
Here is another.

We have the tech. Do we have the desire? Do we have the access?
I believe we do!
If we work together ,to stop the corruption and hate ! It is amazing what we could do.
I am glad to be a part of this site,where working together we can end the strife! and create a paradise in this desert ,we have been forced to fight! Spread the truth, Spread the knowledge, and lets spread the growth of the human spirit and hope!
toghether I believe we can!
I copied and pasted from google to make this ,I take no credit for images or articles. and hope I do not get flagged for copyright or plagiarism! .... :-)


We can do so much in the world. It's a matter of wanting to and being able to accomplish it. Those who have the means, don't usually have the desire. But when people work together they can accomplish anything.

IT would be nice to turn that desert into an something green and growing,before we rush off and try and colonize another planet....all I am

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