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RE: I know we all want to make money on Steemit, but...

Hi @cryptokannon
I agree that Steemit participation is a mixed motivation for many here. While this is social media, and as such, it is about social interaction and networking, the Recruitment is supported by the promises? Or reassurances? of Rewards, which certainly helps with Retention. #But I think a big component of both Reward and Retention is derived from #Engagement, which results in relationships as part of networking. I define networking as relationships for both social and business reasons.

I think people network because they are social and enjoy friendships and human interaction. I think the Internet allows interactions with people you might never otherwise meet. This gives you different perspectives and depending on how you handle the relationship it may lead to financial rewards in terms of more followers, more upvotes and more Steem.

I am very happy with the Steemit Inc., push to recruit and reward newcomers, because I like you joined at a time there was little support and education on the platform. Many newcomers were small fish in a big ocean and their posts received few or no upvotes, and many times no engagement.

While that is still possible now, I think it is much less likely, due to the Country Representatives and many contests and Community leaders who try to steer people into communities where they can post amongst those of similar interests, geography, language and/or culture. Communities are fabulous on Steemit and I commend the community leaders for trying to take many new account holders “under their wing” and mentor them, comment on their posts and provide them upvotes.

These are time consuming labors, but I think they are important ones. I thank you and all the Steem greeters, Country Representatives, community leaders and others who hold contests and try to encourage and reward people on the platform.
You are contributing to the value of the platform, which is people and their work. Working together and financially supported by Steemit Inc., this platform will be successful!

Steem On!



Hi @shortsegments thank you for your valuable input. You are one of the existing users that still actively contributing value here in steem community. I'm glad that you chose to be more active here. Your knowledge about steem is far better than me and your experience with the community too. We can count on you for counsel.

Communities are fabulous on Steemit and I commend the community leaders for trying to take many new account holders “under their wing” and mentor them, comment on their posts and provide them upvote

I totally agree with you on this. Actually, I hope that community leaders go to Newcomers Community and start "fishing" any newcomers that have the same interest as what their community is doing. Achievement 1 in the Newcomers Achievement Program is for the newcomers to introduce themselves and presenting their skills and interests. Any proactive community leaders should skim through these newcomers and invite them to join their community. I'm actually a little bit disappointed none of them doing that yet, but the Steem Greeters team members doing their best promoting the communities that available now on steem for them to join.

Yes, its time consuming building a community, but once the community members being loyal and feel that they belong here, and do whatever it takes to make this community thrive, that is the most valuable asset of steem blockchain...

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