in #better4 years ago

A Nigeria submerged by corruption, poverty and death. Oh how long do we continue to mourn for my dear country. We are all engulfed in the same struggle where our voices are silent.

Controversy have filled the air waves on who to blame and who's not. We would be deluded into thinking the government is to blame. I am to blame, you are to blame. Until we citizens begin to hold ourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of us then we will continue in this struggle

We ask ourself isn't our life more than what to eat and what to wear? We have reduced ourself to think life is about the houses and luxury car we drive. We seek pleasure in immediate gratification. Rituals and internet scam (Yahoo Yahoo) is now the order of the day amongst the youth yet they live with us unabatedly and more appreciated than a hardworking counterpart. It has become an imbroglio the path of least resistance. People now invariably seek the fastest and easiest way to get riches with little or no concern for the long term consequence of their behaviors.

The world is asking what exactly is the value of the live of a Nigeria citizen. Police is your friend is an alienated word in our dictionary today. Many potential destiny has been lost to this unfortunate system. Everything seems a hoax. Impunity and prejudice has become a dogma we now live in. A man in uniform sees himself above the law and uses his influence to perpetuate evil. Integrity is a seldom value in our community.

What do we say about our education system where lecturers concupiscence sexual desire has jettison his sense of judgement. Sex is now a benchmark of grading between male lecturers and female student. An average Nigerian sees her office as a medium to exact power at any opportunity.

Do we blame the government for an individual action holding a higher position in an organization employing relatives or personal friends because of their relationship rather than because of their abilities. what Nepotism!

The lust for personal gain as overshadowed humanity in us. But until we begin to see ourselves not as a victim, until we stop blaming others or making excuses, until we begin to take responsibility, we will continue to leave in a state of abberation.

As well as we desire for a better Nigeria we must all launch into action. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nigeria that cannot be fixed by what is right.
You are what you make of yourself, your outer world will, like a mirror, always reflect the person you are and the price you have paid on the inside.
The only bulwark against temptation, the path of least resistance, and expediency factor is character. No wonder the popular saying "if the foundation be destroyed what will the righteous do? The greatest revolution is the discovery that individuals, by changing their inner attitudes of mind can change the outer aspects of their lives.
I am the change Nigeria needs, you are the change Nigeria needs.

Nigerians today we need to stand as one and build a nation so much so that the international community will join us and say
Oh death where is your stain!
Oh corruption where Is your victory!

O God of creation
direct our noble calls
Guild our leaders right
Help our youth that truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And live in just and truth
Great lofty height attain
To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign. (Amen).


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