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RE: Are you true to you?

in #betruetoyou6 years ago

I know exactly what you mean by putting what you really love to do on hold Liza. The mind can give you all sorts of reasons as to why the time is not quite right yet, and sometimes this may be true.

Yet, when we listen to and follow our heart we can at least prepare for what it is that we know deep down we are meant to be doing.

Love the number plates. It's good to have or see all sorts of reminders like that around us, that we need to be true to ourselves. 🦋


Yes, @allyinspirit. I believe many of us put things "on hold" out of survival, too. Let alone that we don't listen to that still small voice within. It's hard to create when one is exhausted. Yet as long as we don't give up, things change. They always do ♥ Thank you, Ally...

So true Liza. We need to 'nurture' ourselves to be in a state that's more receptive to that 'still small voice.' That's what I've always found.

Nurturing ourselves can take on many forms ~ I love the term 'forest bathing' and for me one of the best forms of nurturing I can give myself is an early morning walk in our local bushland or even just my own backyard. Sets the energy for the day.

And yes, it's so important to not give up on the things that are near and dear to us. ⚖️

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