Best Gift Challenge - Polly Pocket!

in #bestgift7 years ago (edited)

Hello followers, friends and family,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! With the holidays, comes many wonderful things like decorations, carols, family and of course presents! Although presents are not the main part of Christmas, it seams to be the highlight for children! Do you remember when you were a kid and all you wanted was that one toy? How exciting was it? What did you want? It brings back such great memories even thinking about it. That is why, when I came across the #bestgift challenge that @dadview decided to start, I couldn't help but get excited! So of course, I had to participate!

One toy I specifically remember wanting as a child, was polly pocket! I remember I was about 7years old. Which was around 1993/1994. It was the very first time I saw a commercial for polly pockets. Instantly I was in love. The commercial featured a ballerina one. Since I was in ballet, I obviously wanted that specific one!


These toys were the best of the best that year! Everyone wanted one for Christmas! I would say its equivalent to those damn fingerling things this year! They came pocket sized so you could take them with you. They had awesome accessories and the houses even had spots for the dolls that would make them move! At the time they cost around $10-$20. Back 20 something years ago that $20 was a lot harder to come by.


Needless to say I was super excited that year when on my birthday I opened up the ballerina polly pocket! I was super stocked! Plus, I was the first one to get one of my friends, because my.birthday is one week before Christmas (Dec.18). I dont think I put that thing down for a year or two. I treated that thing like it was a child! Which amazes me because kids just dont enjoy toys the same anymore! One week and they are done with it! Shoved in a toy box! Never to be seen again!


I really dont remember what I did with that thing over the years. I imagine I grew out of it eventually. Probably sold it at a garage sale or something. Which was STUPID! These little pieces of plastic are now worth up to $300. I had a whole collection by the time I was 9. If I would of kept them all I would have had way more money to invest in crypto! Darn!


What toys do you remember wanting? Tell us about it! Join in on the contest and possibly win 10 steem! Wow thats alot with the price of steem recently! If you want to join check out the link below for details and rules!

This challenge really was fun and I had a hard time choosing! So here are some of my honourable mentions.

Moon shoes! Basically travelling trampolines for your feet! Who did not want a pair of these?


Tamagotchis were a hit! You know because our parents had to nag us to feed the real dog but we could not put our robot dog down. These were banned from school quick!


One of my all time favorite board games. Girl Talk. Basically a gossip game when I think back now. Good thing we didnt have the internet back then! Or this game could have been so much worse!


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all get what you asked for! 😉


Nice choice @skye1! I remember when everyone was buying up the Polly Pockets!

Polly Pocket, good one. My son has itty bity star wars guys that are a lot like polly pocket.

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