Oppertunity of a lifetime gamechanger

in #best7 years ago

How offten do you tell yourself that you wish you could invest some of your money and make big bucks like those guys on wallstreet? I know how it feels, your at that crapy 9-5 job getting no appreciation for the hard work you do and only earning enough to pay the bills and feed you family. Well im going to let you in on a program that was developed just in the last 10 months that evens the playing feild for people like us to be able to invest our money and have guranteed big returns. Im not going to stretch this out into one of those long boring stories that you read for an hour then give you a number to call and buy some worthless cd to watch that offers no resonable means for anyone to earn profit but the guy who you bought that paperweight from, So here I go, lets get to it. Ok first Im going to give you a link to a website and that important because thats you map to the burried treasure that awaits you.


Now Im going to explain to you what you have to do when you get there, but most of all im going to explain to you how the team who runs the investmant site can pay you the returns they promis necause you will think its a scam and miss you oppertunity to get eich because like most others even myself at first you will just think thats imposible because all you have to do is deposit money into tour account when you set one up at the web addres I furnished, https://bitconnect.co/?ref=minion1000 , and then sit back and watch the money pile up. Now the website offers a few ways to earn because the whole thing is backed by there CryptoCurrency token they created in Jan this year and the token is very strong in the market because it went from .80 to $200 a token since the opening of there site and offering to buy the token, but you dont have to pay much attention to all that, simply register on the site and deposit funds into the account they provide for you and find the button labled LENDING and click it and type the amount you would like to lend in the box and click the LEND button again and thats it you making money. But the key is to get lots of money rite! So im going to explain to you how this works because if I would of known the information im giving you I would of made alot more alot faster. Ok, if you want you can just invest $200 , and that puts you in there $200-$1,010 window were you just get the daily return there program calculates and it comes to about $10 a day for every $200 you invest, oh ya thats rite I said daily return, you get your returns every 24 hours deposited into your account in US currency to remove or reinvest or whatever you feel like. Ok once you breach the $1,010 investmant circle that makes things alot more interesting because now you get %10 of what you put in on top of your return that there program calculates everyday, now that meens on $1020 you get $100 plus about $25-$75 more with that every day, so think thats atleast $3,000 a month plus probably another $1000 ontop of that because of the TradeBot Volatility software thy are using to make money for you and them, also you get your initial investmant back when the term is up which the length of that will be of your choosing at time of invest, they have terms from 90days up to 290 days and a few in between, the term is the amount of time your investment is locked in for, this just gurantees them somebody wont invest 100,000 and make 5,000 and take the investmant and earnings and leave, but making this kind of money why would you not want to stay?. So if you can the best way to go about this is put atleast $1025 in on a 120 day term and you end up with somewere around $4000-$6000 after 120 days. Then if you take that return and put it back in you will double your investment every 120 days so i did the figures and you can be a millionair in a better part of 24 months, you can not get these returns anywere. Now if you dont beleive me or the website just simply do your research check out all the investors who put videos on youtube showing the acount and earnings, Bitconnect has proved itself honest and worthy a million times over by making people millionairs all year. Another good thing is the Bitconnect website and coin has a 1 and a half Billion dollar a day marketcap, its a trillion dollar organisation so they have plenty of money in liquid assets to back up your money, there are other sites who caught on to what bitconnect is doing and they are trying to capitalize on the tradebot program with investors money but they dont have a cryptocoin behind them to back up your money thats worthy of over a billion dollars a day in marketcap so keep your money were its backed up because it makes you sleep better at night. Now you probably say how in the world can they pay those returns? Well its all made possible by a program that some savy programer developed called a TradeBot program, these programs havnt been around for more than a year and they arent easy to come buy eaither, you cant just go to you google play store and download somthing like this but you can purchase one for a few thousand on the deepweb and then there not set up with a user freindly interface so the next step would be to figure out how to put it in acction so I say let those who know best do that. Just to give you a little understanding about this program it was just about in the last 12 months that this program was made available for retail on the tech market. Now another thing you should understand is the trade bot program is linked to the interface or website that you are dispursing your money into for investing. So the trade bot program is connect to one or multiple comodity or currency market sites were stocks, currency and products are baught, traded or sold for profit, so in the market the prices of all these things are always fluctuating by a few or a few hundred dollars up and down all day every minute or so. So when one of these things flucuates in value the signals are sent out from the stock exchange or werever the numbers are calculated so that the rest of the world can see the flucuations in value, now the trade bot pics up on these vibrations in the system called algorithyms that are carrying the information across the grid with the new values before the numbers accualy are posted for everyone else to see, then the tradebot takes it a step further and uses this rare insite into the future of the market you could say and starts making buys, trades, and sells within thw market and it does it very well, so well that I saw a guy naking $600 every 3 minutes with one of these programs and he only applied $300 to the tradebot to work with, so imagine these guys and there bot making these transactions within the market with millions of dollars to work with, these guys are making mollions a day so our seemingly impossibly big returns are a drop in the bucket realisticly. So now you have a little insight in how they are making money with your money and they dont even lift a finger or raise an eyebrow accept maybe when they are bussy wrighting checks for all the money they must be spending, they simply connect the programs run the investing account to the tradebot program and hit the start button and put it on autorun and thats all there is to it. Now its not going to be this easy forever, because we are on the verge of quantum computing being pushed out into the market and once its implemented into the whole system the tradebot will be obsolete, it probably wont even know the information thats being sent to every market and livingroom of every invester even before we see it with our own eyes, but as the sang gows get it while the gettins good, id say we have a few more years to act on these investing platforms that use this technology, so click my link below and follow the rainbow to your treaser trove, my current calculations say with $1000 start up you can be a millionair in 30 months flat, you cant beat that anywere, and your investmant is %100 secure, unless yellowstone blows, or a meteor destroys the bitconnect mainframe, you make you returns so quick once you double your money in 120 days you just take out your initial investmant and its all free money after that. So quit dreamn and start living your dream. https://bitconnect.co/?ref=minion1000

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