⭐️ "Thoughts are Free!"

in #bescouted7 years ago (edited)


A painting about the freedom of thought and manipulation. Done in graphite pencil, watercolor and acrylics on reverse side of glass and a handmade frame.

Now added to my BeScouted album, where you can see a good selection of my art all on one page.




See more of my work on sola


Wow I just love this one, the expression you have managed to capture in the woman's eye is amazing and the composition is really great!

Thanks a lot for noticing all that! I like extreme vertical formats and here I even sort of squeezed the composition with the frame...

wow indeed it's really amazing, great talent.

Thanks a lot! :-)

What a beautiful idea. I particularly like the contrast between the rusted metal and the clean lines of the image. Followed and upvoted

Thank you. What looks like rust, is actually a painted board!

That is amazing and really interesting. Texture and contrast really inspire me. Sort of eclectic mix. I looked closer and see what you mean, yet, it has a wonderful texture about it. My art has got somewhat "commercial" to follow the elusive "buck" but I am toying with more classic and contemporary work. It inspires me!

Wunderschön, diese Reduzierung auf die Mitte. Ist das Äußere tatsächlich alles Rahmen?

Danke sehr. Ja, das Glasbild ist nur ein schmaler Streifen und das komplette drum herum ist Rahmen. Mit angedeuteten Türen, die aber nicht funktionieren.

Kann man deine Kunst auch in einer Austellung oder so sehen? Ich werde bald wieder in meine Heimat Straubing fliegen. Dann wuerde ich mir das alles gern mal live ansehen :)

Meine Bilder sind oft auf Reisen, aber eins oder zwei Originale habe ich meistens auch hier

Still and always very beautiful work, very special, like a closed window brilliant drawings

With the hinges it really does have a bit of a feeling of a window. Thank you for your compliments :-)

Me gusta la obra, pero no llego a entender del todo eso de la libertad de pensamiento y manipulación. Acaso quieres decir que esa mujer puede pensar libremente e imaginar cosas pero... solo de aquello que le permite ver la rendija de ese muro que es una pequeña parte de realidad?

The question is, if the thought is really free after all, or if its kept within a narrow path through manipulation and advertising..

I voted on this the other day but couldn't comment. between only having limited use of phone data and then yesterday steemit was down so much (I kept getting 504 errors)

So, I love this piece. I love the clever use of the frame. It makes me think of the trompe-l'œil used when the painting interacts with it's frame or surroundings. Like Borrell del Caso’s "Escaping Criticism". Some have you feel as if you can go in and some, like Caso's and yours, feels like the work is peeping at us, or attempting an escape and I love it. Really it is that sense of humour whimsy that I love to find in art.

So sorry, you had to suffer like that. No major catastrophes here, but there is a bit of a "Towerish" mood in the air. I feel exhausted :-/

I love trompe-l'œil work and some of my artists friends do that really well too. Whimsy is important... life is serious enough already ;-)

I like your segway to your other amazing work. I'm going there now to read more and comment. I love your pieces about Tarot.

Stunning door texture! Its really intriguing...

Reinhard, I love this one! Is it new?

This one is from 2011, but I'm planing another version of it...

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