⭐️"Dame mid Dog" (Lady with Dog) - Graphite pencil, watercolor and acrylics on glass

in #bescouted6 years ago (edited)


An older piece from the mid 90s where I experimented a lot, to perfect my technique of drawing and painting on reverse side of glass.

Now added to my BeScouted album, where you can see a larger number of my artworks all on one page.




See more of my work on sola


I love this style and I can see your progression from it. And I love it all the more for having a dog in. :)

And lovely blues and oranges again, I see, we must be 'kindred colour cronies' :)

Puddles are strangely the most clever dogs... and with a triangle head you better have one...

LOL... you are too funny!

Its been a long journey with lots of trial and error.. yes, I guess there is something to that with our colors :-)

Das Bild finde ich echt inspirierend - vor allem durch den roten Eyecatcher in der Mitte. Für mich sieht das Tier aber eher wie eine Ziege aus, wegen den Hufen und die kleinen Hörner. Dafür heisst es ja aber auch surreal ;-). Liebe Grüsse

Haha... ja, leider etwas unscharf das Ganze, hab aber leider nur dieses alte Foto. Ich denke die "Hörner" sind tatsächlich Schnauze und Unterkiefer. Der Hund schaut nach hinten... na ja, surreal ist es allemal ;-)

This painting and the whole album is for me full of optimism, a witty perfection, including these two photos put in the central position. :) Resteemed.

Many thanks to you. I have tried to make some darker art a few times, but I guess its not my personality. My work always seems to turn out positive and optimistic. Oh well, not so bad after all, right?

Right. Not bad at all. The contrary.

Looking and looking and trying to find out how the background is made..it remind me of those beautiful Japanese golden backgrounds @reinhard-shmid where golden color ''eats'' other color.

Hehe... that background is one of my very special tricks. Discovered it by accident and could only ever get it to work on glass...

:) Small secrets of big masters 🤫

Big secret of small master ;-)

I love it brilliant, Fantastico! The proportions are ❤❤❤

Thank you so much! As the brilliant creator and connoisseur of art that you are, your compliment really makes my day 🤩

Style on point! Freakin awesome per usual :D

Sehr verträumt, so wie alle Deine Bilder ;-D

Tja, so bin ich.. 😇

hi Reinhard , can you help me about bescouted , i have a question, where can i upload my works? i signed in but i couldn't find any way to upload photos there , thanks <3

Once you choose a category and your profile is set up, you should see the upload button in the upper right corner. Click on it and then a new window opens. I always just drag my file into that window (firefox).. Hope you get it to work!


oh yes i fixed it , for category first i chose other because i didn't see anything about painting, i choose designer now ,..
thank you very much :)

You are very welcome :-)

Love the elegant nature of those long legs

I had missed this one. This is sublte and trimmed off any need to prove anything to anyone (can't tell in other way what I feel). Just great, again. Thanks.

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