⭐️ "Babylon" - mix of my traditional and digital art

in #bescouted7 years ago (edited)

Contains some nudity, viewer discretion advised


From the Book of Revelation. This is actually a digitally changed detail of a larger painting on glass in graphite pencil and watercolor. One of the first glass paintings where I also experimented with oils.

You can see more of my art in my BeScouted album or on Sola




Genau das ist wieder sowas von abgefahren gut -
das einem die Spucke wegbleibt - GRANDIOSO -TOP
ja Holla - die Waldfee - eins deiner Besten !!! :-) :-)

:-) Hab mich auch gleich noch als Schmuckdesigner versucht!

Ja ich sehs - wäre doch auch was für Dich -
könnt mir da auch ne Zusammenarbeit vorstellen -
Du entwirfst - ich realisiere den Schmuck - ... :-) :-) :-)

Obs bei mir dazu reicht, bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher... wolltest Du nicht schon mal was von mir in 3D modellieren?

Jeeze, man, another wildly awesome painting here. Your collection of artworks must be colossal! So imaginative, wow, and I enjoy seeing these shapely women of yours–seems to be one of your specialties.

When you paint for 30 years, they add up. But I only have a handful of my own originals around. The woman... well, was more or less dictated by the theme ;-)

Fantastic excess and wantonness!

Hehe... well, its the theme after all ;-)

Incredible detail and I love the vibrant use of colour. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot for stopping by and taking a look!

One of the steemit artists I look to when I need inspiration. Your work is always next level.

Looking at someone elses art is always inspiring. Need some for myself, so I'm heading over to your page :-)

Might give you a boost of self esteem to see even low-calibar art toadies like myself making it on steemit, lol!

Seriously, I am honored. I really need to adult with my work though I just keep wanting to draw eyeballs.

I am always happy to see someone being successful with a genuine effort. Your art has a fundamental quality that stands out. And we all have our favorite subjects ;-)

I Love the cool lavenders with the warm tones of this painting and of course the subject is amazing, her hair and hand are so enticing. I like the little fellow peeking out from behind the shell. It has an almost light-hearted H. Bosch sense to it all.

One advantage of digital, you can play with the colors forever :-)

Part of her hair is to form the devils horns. Haha.. no matter how dark the theme, with me it always comes out light hearted and positive I guess..

This is super cool! Love the vibe and the medium!

Thanks a lot! 😎

It is a grand image Reinhard. 30 years of artwork you say? I have a bit of catching up to do then. ;-)

Thanks a lot maestro :-) You are doing great and its good to reach your level, when one is still young!

You're still looking young my friend. =)

Thanks a lot, Leo! Maybe compared to 100 year old ;-)

Do not mind the nudity in art this powerful :)

My pleasure

All the best sirr

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