This is what happens if you ask me for topless model photos

in #bescouted7 years ago


Theres a few guys I used to work years ago who found it fascinating that I'd often be shooting with glamour models, sometimes lingerie style, sometimes wearing even less (the models obviously, not me). The guys didn't even pretend to have any interest in photography, they just had an interest in the models. To be fair I can imagine it seems a novelty to somebody who's unfamiliar with this kind of shoot.

There was always the running joke that I'm sure a lot of photographers have heard "if you ever need anyone to hold the light stand for you just let me know". It was all harmless joking although they did seem to have a strange obsession that they believed I had some hidden folder with more explicit shots than I posted in my portfolio or website. I think they'd just seen a few too many porn movies and in their head these shoots were far more explicit then they really were. In truth anyone who's been involved in any kind of glamour shoot (in front, or behind the camera) will testify that's the furthest thing from what actually happens.

I kept in contact with the guys over the years and they'd regularly message me asking if I'd shot any new models and to show them the pics. I don't think they fully grasped that they could see my latest work just by checking out my photography Facebook page, but I'd send on a few images every now and then. I never sent anything that I wouldn't have posted publicly without a clients permission, yet in the years of knowing these guys it never stopped them asking. Still the joke carried on that I must be holding out on them and there must be some more explicit shots.

So after a recent shoot with a client I decided to finally give the guys what they wanted. I text them telling them about the fitness model I just worked with just before Christmas and that we shot a lot of topless shots. I don't think I've ever got as quick and frantic a response from a Whatsapp message in my life. They seemed more excited by the prospect of seeing one of these topless shots then any adult should (also had nobody told them theres plenty of freely available porn on the internet if thats what they were looking for). Their response was funny but borderline desperate, probably because of the years this joke had been going on and I was finally suggesting to them I may send on the kind of images they wanted.

"Come on Dave, you have to share it now"

"Seriously man don't be holding out on us"

"Man I need to see these pictures"

These were examples of the responses the guys were sending. You have to laugh, these are grown adults.

So after the years of them asking I finally shared a topless shot with them from one of my client shoots.


This is Loic, a super cool bobybuilder based in Dublin, Ireland. Probably not what my buddies were expecting. They weren't impressed.

For the record while we were shooting I had told Loic about the guys and got his permission to send on one of the shots for the wind up. He was totally cool with it.

Do any other photographers out there get similar requests from non-photographer friends? Surely I cant be the only one.


Well played. The joke is on them.
Unfortunately, I had a friend that was a photographer friend that did not take the same approach as you did. Things did not end well there.

Oh no, I wouldn't imagine that ended well at all!!

The Santa hat is just gratuitous =j

Haha I can't even disagree.

Hahaha this is too funny! 😂

It gave me a bit of a giggle anyway.

One thing I've wanted to do at some point in my life is be the person behind the camera for said glamour shoot. The only thing that really concerns me is that I don't know how to get my foot in the door in the first place. I'm also worried that my lack of reputation in the field hampers my chances. You can't exactly walk up to someone of the opposite sex and ask to take a picture of them topless. It just doesn't work that way. You'll be branded a creep...

I consider myself a semi-amateur photographer. I'm not at the level where I can go pro, but at the same time, I'm not just some schlock with a camera. I have an understanding of how the bloody thing works, even if I don't always take the best shots. Eventually, I'll reach the point of being a solid photographer.

Have you signed up to Model Mayhem? It's basically a global database of models, photographers, makeup artists etc. It's a great way to network with other creative's in your area. It's portfolio based so you can see everyone's previous work to get an idea if they'll suit the style you want to shoot. Hope that's of some help.

I've considered it. I want to get more practice before going for more of a professional angle, work with local friends and such and get a better feel for my camera.

Well MM is typically used by people of all levels of experience so don't let that put you off. Probably still best to get as much practice in with friends and family though. You'll always shoot best when you're relaxed and comfortable. Also if shooting portraits will be a different style for you you're better of gaining as much experience in situations where you aren't under pressure to deliver shots.

Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it!

No problem at all. Happy to help.

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