The Incredible Resurrection of Bernie Sanders - Bless Me Bernie....

in #berniesanders6 years ago (edited)


...For I have Flagged

As many of you may know, @berniesanders is a huge whale here is on Steemit who is the unofficial Steem and Steemit Savior and/or Hall Monitor. Bernie lets it be known when he thinks or feels that someone is abusing of the Steemit Social Network. There are a few concrete rules here on steemit such as no plagiarism of written content, art or images. There are other unspoken rules such as to not upvote yourself TOO much or your buddies. You should also refrain from begging for up votes or from spamming in comments. Most Steem users tend to follow the rules and it is usually the new users informally known as Steemit Minnows that tend to break some of these rules.

Bernie's problem is not with small time rule breakers who most likely don't know any better, although he will bring the wrath of God on you should your errors be egregious enough no matter minnow or whale. This super protective yet confrontational character of Bernie's has come at a cost to the berniesanders' account. Bernie's account was down voted by Bigger Whales ( no names but they could rhyme with Ted and Tan) than even Bernie, putting his highly rated reputation score deep into negative territory.

Reputation score here on Steemit lets the many users know which accounts are trying to abide by the network rules while those with downward sliding reputation scores typically indicate users not abiding by Steemit rules and ideology. Those that continue to abuse the Steemit network can end up with negative reputation scores which then can drastically affect visibility and ultimately network reward payouts. Unfortunately, bernie's protectionism can sometimes be misconstrued or simply just unapproved or unappreciated due to his sometimes confrontational and sometimes brutal actions or reactions to other Steemit users, thus resulting in his account being flagged deep into negative territory.

Yet, berniesanders has persisted, and continues to thrive all the while still protecting Steemit and the Steemit rewards for all of us the best way he knows how. His account recently climbed out of the negative mire into positive reputation numbers. Bernie hasn't done much to change his approach or tactics and he has definitely put the Steemit community on notice about some of the abuses taking place. Although his account reputation almost went back into negative territory after only a brief time in the positive due to a large whale feeling some type of way due to bernie calling out Steem developers and the lack of "developing." Bernie weathered this last barrage against his rep and he is now clearly heading back to one of the users with a Top Reputation score.

Welcome Back to the Positive Steemit Reputation score berniesanders!

Thanks for looking out for the community, and @haejin , Bernie's reputation score is climbing hard and fast, maybe it is time you think of others here on the Steemit platform as well. This would definitely help the Steemit Community as a whole, while also helping you haejin become endeared to the whole Steemit community. If you continue in your ways, the whole Steemit Community could eventually turn on you, not just bernie and his disciples.


Full Steem Ahead!

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I didn't think it was even possible to go from -6 to like 50 rep in like a month or less.

I am trying to figure that out myself!!

The post is very important and helpful for the new users of the steemit community like me..
New users should remain bound within the rules and regulations of the steemit social network..
This will definitly help the community which in turn help our reputation...
Any mistakes sorry .. thanks for sharing..

@asifrashid Yes, it is good for new members to learn about behavior in this Community. No one is perfect and mistakes are bound to happen, but one must learn from that and try hard to not make that mistake again.
I believe that if you are mostly considerate of others here on the Steemit network, just like in real life, others will be considerate of you. No the world nor steemit are perfect but we can and are making it a better world through steemit and crypto.
full steem ahead!

Thanks for your appreciation ,
It is univsrsal man learn from his mistakes..after then he can become perfect as nobody is born perfect..@streetstyle

I heard and notice both of them. I don't know what I have to say about them. I don't think that both are good for steemit community. We all have to be positive and bring berniesanders reputation up.

that's not good, both guyz should use steemit in a positive way

I've been in Steemite for 10 months, and at first I studied the rules first, and I still stick to them. I really like being here. I think we have a great interesting future. Thanks for sharing...

@magnata Glad you have stuck it out. I wanted to just say that I seen you posts and am glad you do give credit for the images or video in your posts. That is part of following the rules which is great, but I would suggest occasionally posting pictures you take yourself or just writing original content, that would eventually get you more rewards. If you do, let me know and I will support. Thanks for you support!!

I'm new here, and so far I do not understand much, but I study everything with interest and study at experienced posts. Thanks to your information is very useful for me...

Hello @aleks433 Welcome to Steemit. Since you are new I would suggest post original pictures that you take as well as blogging occasionally. It will help your account grow rather than posting other people work. Giving credit is good but original is always best.

Thanks for the advice, I will use it.

Let me know when you do so @aleks433 and I will help support

You are right original work is best here on Steemit community. Well I dont know much about this whales.

being a good whale is not that easy at all :)

This post is very good for new members on steemit because they can learn many things in this content.this content make steemit users alert about this.Thanks for sharing your content @streetstyle, sir.

Very useful message. I completely agree with you, there are a lot of violations, and beginners need to know our rules, for their own good.

Yes it is best for the entire community and oneself to adhere to the rules as much as possible. This will give credibility to the network rather than if people try to game the system by having multiple steem accounts or plagiarizing or using bots in a manner against the good will and spirit of the Steemit network and the crypto community in general.
I believe that SMT tokens that are coming soon will help address some of these issues.

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