Story Chapter 11

in #bermuda7 years ago

  Chapter Eleven 

The Museum and Dolphins

Chloe had been thinking that a visit to the local museum would probably be interesting. Dr. John agreed that it would be very interesting information, and Chloe would see relics that would provide more information on what happens in the journey from the world she left to the world that she now lived in and it would be very interesting.  The museum looked as Chloe would have expected a museum to look, perhaps maybe a little bit larger than she would've expected. They went through a security check and then they were in. Dr. John said this museum does not ever close and we can stay as long as we want. We can of course leave whenever we get ready, and they have very nice restaurants, and it is divided into different, what shall we say different types of food representing different nations. Dr. John directed them to an area in the museum and it definitely did interest Chloe because it showed relics that had come from her world from different periods. She wandered around looking at the different relics that showed a miniature version of what was called a "Tomb ship," that had brought emigrants from Ireland to America in the 1840's, and briefly told the story of many mishaps, and then you are invited to enter a room that was a mini Hollo-Deck. Chloe was intrigued by this, and it told of one ship named the "Queen" that apparently made the same journey as she had done through space and time and most of the travelers had survived and lived their life in their new world as she was doing. The story named the names of the passengers and one name stuck out and the picture was a close resemblance to Mairenn. It described her as being a woman of the night, whatever that meant. A few minutes later both Chloe and Dr. John were in total shock and disbelief. One of the passengers name was Chloe from Dublin Ireland and there was a remarkable resemblance. How can there have been many years ago another young woman with the same name that looked so much like she did that had left her world and ended up living in this world. It was bizarre to say the least, and it made for a very emotional feeling for Chloe. They spent the rest of their time in the Hollo-Deck learning about the voyage of the "Queen." The passengers and what had happened during the voyage from Ireland on the way to America. The events that took place at sea over a hundred years ago were uncanny. What they learnt and saw, John said that they would definitely want to find out more. Dr. John said, "This is truly amazing but let's leaves here, and find something more on the lighter side to do."  John wanted them to have some fun. They headed out of the museum and Dr. John said, "I know exactly where we can go and really have fun." "Chloe how would you like to go to a dolphin show where they talk to you?" Chloe smiled and looked at him and said, "Talk to dolphins." Chloe had a puzzled look on her face and said, "Dolphins might be fun." Dr. John smiled and said, "Yes it is amazing and it's a load of fun." It took about ten minutes to get there and on the way, Dr. John pointed out more of the interesting sites in the city.  Within a few minutes, they were at the dolphin arena. It was quite a large place, but not as big as the museum. Chloe was familiar with dolphins; she had been in the ocean in Nassau with dolphins, a place where the tourists would come. Chloe had swum with them, and it was a very nice experience. However, she had no idea what this dolphin experience would be like. The dolphin Arena was a large indoor pool with a stadium built around it and Chloe expected that the dolphins would be doing the usual tricks and jumping, playing ball and the usual stuff that she had seen before. She looked to Dr. John and said, "I like to hear and watch them when they're doing their dolphin games. Dr. John smiled and looked at her and said, "You are really going to love this." On the way to their seats, Dr. John told one of the attendants that he needed a processor adapter for his guest, but that he would not need one. The processor and adapter were like a small very lightweight headphone, and had what seemed to Chloe to be a little microphone attached on the side, and there were no wires attached to anything. Chloe thought that it would be very interesting to see what this was going to do. As the performance of the dolphins began, it took about ten minutes and Dr. John had difficulty to control himself from smiling. Then as it dawned on Chloe, finally that there were no humans on the stage and the entire performance conducted visually and audibly by and from the dolphins in the arena. The processor and adapter Chloe had been fitted with did something so that she could understand what the dolphins were saying. Chloe thought it did not make sense to her, but most of it did, and Chloe caught herself sitting there with her mouth open in total disbelief. John squeezed her hand and said, "Chloe is this not amazing?" Chloe said, "This is mind boggling, but how come you don't want to hear them." Dr. John smiled and looked at Chloe and said, "I can hear them, I don't need an adapter."  Chloe's mind was overloaded when one of the dolphins spoke to her by name, and said they were pleased to have her visit them for the first time and that they understood that she had swam with dolphins before. Chloe was amazed again and she was wondering how did they know that she had swam with dolphins in Nassau, and then it made sense, she had been thinking about her experience as they were sitting there waiting for the performance to begin. The dolphins had read her mind. She would have to remember to ask Dr. John about this later. The show was spectacular, Chloe was flabbergasted, and she never in her wildest imagination expected to be able to hear the dolphins communicating with each other and the audience.  Chloe truly enjoyed herself, and for a while, she thought about the mysteries and opposing things that she had seen and learned of at the museum. This world could teach the world she had come from so much. Chloe also recognized that she only had a small idea of what could happen for the better. Chloe talked about the experience she had just had and before they realized it, they were back at Dr. John's apartment building. Dr. John and Chloe showered and redressed, and Dr. John said, "I have one more thing that I've dreamed up that I thought would be interesting to you. He said, "We are going to order pizza and have it delivered to our apartment. How does that sound?" Chloe said, "That it sounded wonderful and it had been a long time since she had pizza." Dr. John said he liked pepperoni, pineapple and onion, and what would she like to order. Chloe said, "I like that also." Dr. John went to the audio visual, Chloe activated it, talked to a computer-animated voice, and gave it the order, and the reply back said that it would have the order delivered in eighteen minutes and seventeen seconds. Chloe said, "Seventeen seconds, you are kidding." The preciseness of the system-giving seconds was amazing. The pizza did arrive on time, they sat down at the table, and Dr. John had a pitcher of iced tea and said that the tea would be a first for him and he hoped that it tasted good. As it turned out the tea was not good at all. The pizza was very good but Chloe would have to admit that it could use a little adjustment. They enjoyed a glass of energized water and then relaxed and talked and eventually the conversation got back to the museum and all that they had learned about the ship, the, "Queen." They talked for a long time and Dr. John promised he would find the right people to talk to and that they would go and talk to them and find out more. He was certain that there would be someone in charge, who would talk to him or her. They would be able to give a lot more information. Dr. John told Chloe that he had to be at the hospital facility at five thirty in the morning and he guessed he needed to take her back to her apartment.  When they got to Chloe's apartment Liz came out of her room and said, "Excuse me." Dr. John did not act embarrassed but Chloe was a little embarrassed. Liz seemed to be okay, she did not mind, and just went about her business after speaking to them, and returned to her room. Dr. John promised that he would call Chloe sometime tomorrow and that they would talk at length tomorrow evening and with that, he kissed her, said goodnight, and left. It had been a busy and exciting day for Chloe and she would love to tell Liz of the events of the day. She went to her room to her a nice relaxing bed, some nice music, subdued the lights, got into bed, and before many minutes had passed Chloe was peacefully asleep. The next morning Liz was busy doing reports for her job, Chloe was not entirely certain what that all consisted of, but she was very busy. Liz made inquiries as to where Dr. John had taken her, and Chloe told Liz the events of the last two days, gave her a fair amount of detail about the visit to the museum. She asked Liz had she ever been in the Holl-O-Deck of the museum where it highlights the other dimensions. Liz said that she had been there many times and she had studied it when she was in school. "Liz, I have a number of questions and I guess the biggest one would be that most everybody survives when they go from one dimension to another. However, have there been incidents in the past where people did not survive.  Liz told her that there have been incidents where people did not survive for various reasons most of them however had nothing to do with the journey from one dimension to another. Chloe said, "You have got to elaborate on that more." Liz explained that often times somebody might be in such a fright when things start to happen, they have a heart attack or stroke, and before they get help, they have passed away. Chloe said, "How come this society does not know how to communicate back into the dimension where I came from?" Liz said they have been working on that and making progress with a program called SYOTOS or See You On The Other Side. Chloe is not certain if she should tell Liz about seeing a picture of Mairenn that looked like the Mairenn that they both knew in the museum display. She decided to tell her later. Liz had left and told Chloe that she would be back within the hour. Chloe busied herself using an electronic notepad which she had had a hard time finding one. Everybody used their compact computers devices and she was making notes of questions that she would like to find out answers concerning her visit to the museum and what she saw.      


Und die Plörre von der tanke schmeckt wie Kaffee.

I'm not asking where you live, I'm asking what your name is.

Den kennebeut ne vo barnet d’ur !popcorn !pancakes @automation @cleverbot c’hastiz kreñvoc’h eget an.

Und ich bin ein Fisch schön dich zu treffen du Mensch selber steckblech.

So you won't tell me your first name, but you will tell me your girlfriends whole name?

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