Watermelon bitter juice contributes to the elimination of cancer cells

in #benefits6 years ago


A recent study of melon fruit or carilla fruits shows that eating watermelon juice helps prevent pancreatic cancer. It also reduces the spread of the disease and kills cancer cells as a result of its growth through extensive laboratory experiments on mice.

The researchers explained the results, pointing out that bitter melon juice limits the ability of cancer cells in the pancreas to metabolize glucose and use in its metabolism.

The researchers are considering the transfer of these experiments from the laboratory stage and start immediately clinical trials in patients with pancreatic cancer to verify the validity of these results, hoping to reach a new treatment for this serious disease

Watermelon tells thirst and relieves the severity of diseases

Recent studies have shown many health benefits of melon fruit, especially in relation to intestinal and kidney health. Studies have shown that melon not only quenches thirst, moisturizes the skin and rejuvenates the body but can also serve as a powerful laxative for the intestines,

The researchers found that the natural compounds found in it help to reduce the severity of skin diseases as well as its seeds in the reduction of high blood pressure can be used to stop the bleeding and the nutrition experts at the Egyptian National Research Center that this fruit is rich in many elements that are sufficient for human needs of water and vitamins And minerals throughout the day, especially in the hot summer days so it enriches the decomposition of varieties of vegetables and meat because it has a mild effect on the stomach and an energizer to produce energy

The researchers pointed out that watermelon contains 92 percent of its weight water and contains a few of the substances and syrupy fatty, while the sugars in it to 8 percent by type and season, in addition to containing a moderate percentage of vitamins A and C Lftin to the value of food simple As compared to its large medical value of reducing constipation and skin infections also helps to generate urine and blood purification and treatment of kidney diseases, gout and hemorrhoids disease

The old Arab doctors, including the most famous doctor Ibn Sina have emphasized the benefits of melons, especially the ability to purify blood and treatment of costs and vitiligo and skin and head can also benefit from the peel of melons to treat many diseases, including hypertension, heart disease and kidney inflammation

Finally, if a man lives in the countryside, it is observed that those who live in the countryside live for about five years more than the son of the city of Tek. Accurate scientific statistics based on long studies conducted by senior scientists specialized in the roles of human life and the effect of genetics, environment and health. 95% sugar 10% rich in other vitamins Melon contains the following salts Sulfur Phosphorus Chloride Sodium Potassium Sludge The watermelon contains 30% reddish-colored oil and a few traces of pilot oil with protein, sugar, starch and stinging gum may be responsible for the effect of the deadly melon seed seeding

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