Benefits of walking

in #benefit6 years ago

We all know the many benefits that physical exercises give us, but often we do not have the time to go to the gym or practice at home. What we do not know is that there are simple exercises that give us immeasurable advantages and are very easy to incorporate into our daily lives. One of the most effective and commonly ignored is walking.

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It decreases the risk of being hypertensive, and in patients with arterial hypertension reduces the values ​​of blood pressure.
It produces favorable effects on cholesterol.
Prevents the onset of diabetes.
Improve your sex life
Increase Vitamin D levels
It helps to lose weight, among others.

The advantages of walking
For those people who have a sedentary lifestyle and are not used to exercising, walking with a more lively rhythm than usual at least a couple of times a week can become a good exercise. You will see little by little improvements in your performance, you will not feel so tired and you will notice that your breathing is improving until it becomes a general improvement.

The most important thing is that it is an exercise that does not require a period of training and that it is very easy to practice without affecting our routine.

It can help prevent diseases that attack the bones and atrophy the muscles, such as osteoporosis or some types of cancer. In addition to short-term benefits, such as increased energy, greater concentration, a significant improvement in your sleep hours and of course cooperates to keep us at the desired weight.

How to incorporate it into our lives?
It is simpler than we think, although of course it requires some small changes in our habits. If we have the possibility to walk to work this is a good way to do it, so we do not steal time and we take advantage of that distance to exercise.

It is also advisable to avoid the elevator, if it is possible to take the stairs, because this small change will bring us remarkable benefits before we realize it.

If we can get up from the work table to look for coffee, instead of ordering it or giving the necessary messages instead of sending mail to nearby offices, they are almost imperceptible actions that will improve our quality of life.

Finally, the ideal is that after working for about an hour to walk in sportswear around the neighborhood, it is not walking, it is about walking at a slightly faster pace so that our body feels the exercise and gets used to it.

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