How to use @bellyrub bidbot 50K Steem Power

in #bellyrub7 years ago (edited)

Quick Post on how to use @bellyrub.

Bellyrub art by @malicered

Please read if you are new to using bellyrub.

1: .15 SBD is the minimum bid, please make sure it is over .15 SBD there will be no refunds.
2: Each round of voting now lasts for 2.4 hours once bellyrub votes the counter starts again which is 2.4 hours to reach 100% that is when you send in your bids.
3: You're bidding for 0-100% vote weight at 100% vote power from @bellyrub this is not instant it votes every 2.4 hours.
4: @zeartul will also vote on posts upvoted by bellyrub, and might send bids for their posts to bellyrub.
5: You might already know this but new users might not, posts must be newer then 6 days and 13 hours to get a vote, if a bid does get sent after this time frame they will be considered as donations.

How to use @bellyrub

Send your bid over 0.15 SBD to @bellyrub with a post url as a memo from your steemit wallet much like do not include anything else in the memo besides the link you want up voted. Make sure you send while bellyrub is charging to insure you get the vote on the next round.

Let the bellyrubbing began! Want 45% Interest for investing in @bellyrub Read Post



hi thanks for sharing it, i already used i m suggest it to use especially newbies ,it not big whale like @randowhale , @booster or @whaleshare but i m sure very soon there SP will increased and we minnows will get more valuable upvotes.

@bellyrub please update about your 45% interest investing plan, what the procedure and how can a more SP or more steem holders can join your project ? brief us with complete details

45% APR minimum of 15 SBD/Steem with a minimum of 2-3 month hold. Earnings will be payed out bi-weekly with earnings from bellyrub bids.

It is liquid SBD and Steem not SteemPower that you would be investing.

".15 SBD is the minimum bid, please make sure it is over .15 SBD there will be no refunds." <<< This is what confuses me and I'm sure many who say nothing and more still who misinterpret the rules and end up donating their funds to various upvote services.

If a user must "make sure" the bid is over the minimum bid of .15 SBD then why not just set the minimum bid to .151 or .16 SBD?

I have yet to use any such service because I have yet to understand the default "donation" clause. (and I am familiar with the language) So why no refunds?

I have no idea if these donations go to profit the owner(s) of the upvote bot or is somehow put back into the Steemit community.

No disrespect intended toward you @bellyrub or the owner(s). I'm merely seeking clarification on these two points before I would personally use such a service.

Best of luck to you going forward. ✌️

It makes the people not read the rules because of laziness, and after they see their mistake it is hard for the bot owner to go back and see the transactions on their side of the bids sent.

The funds go back into @bellyrub for SP I also use the funds to bid on users my self.

when I say over is you are bidding against other bidders not just one or two if you insure you bid over the min you are more likely to get a profit.

What I do if a person makes a mistake, I just place a bid for another of their posts.

if you read the rules their would not be an issue with this of course.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions here @zeartful.

The old fooled myself once shame on me and fooled myself twice just shoot me angle. That's fair enough...I like it now that I've heard the explanation.

I also like "What I do if a person makes a mistake, I just place a bid for another of their posts." That's both honestly transparent and fair.

As to reading and comprehending the rules I was speaking for those whom English is not their first language.

Don't mind me, I'm just a thrifty consumer...while my Steem is so light! };-)>


                         *~smiles fer miles~*

Thanks @bellyrub good service .

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 2.29 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @abh12345.

Nice. I just sent .15 to make my first try. Is there a maximum? How does this affect reputation? I am interested in the increase of reputation that comes from the vote from @bellyrub.

Hi. I invested small in @bellyrub

Rub my belly pls ^_^

Yes I saw that thank you.

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