in #belive7 years ago (edited)

My writing goes to the people out there who are struggling and are prone to have reasons to feel discouraged,my intention is not take wheelchair from those who need them or to tell the sick ones not to take their medications but to tell the idle to stand and be strong.


Good reasons go bad when you take the wrong context. The terms goes like this it doesn't matter if the Israelites had small faith,if the blood of the lamb was at door you will be saved. The stronger your faith is your is not the issue, we should always look up to Jesus " the founder and perfecter of our faith " its say that despite clinging to him with a wearing grip,he will uphold us with omnipotent strength (psalm 63:8).


We must always help wounded saints to find hope that lead them to stronger faith strong faith proves stable and steadfast. Faith that saves are featured as being steadfast,unmovable and strong never leave from the hope of the gospel,it never changes and endure to the end. It will surely save you from the attack of Satan .


It always keep us in deep love with God and gives us victory to overcome the world (John 5:4). Doubting God makes us have two minds or be double-minded Jesus did rebuked the disciple of weak faith,just trust God for his grace and all will be well.

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As much as our faith matters in dealing with God, care must also be taken to avoid assuming God's roles for Him.
Great writeup sis. I pray you receive more inspiration to write more in Jesus name.

Amen,thank you bro.

Thanks for sharing, it`s an amazing post

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