# Prayer is key

in #believe4 years ago

I believe in God and the power of prayer.

Prayer is very necessary in our lives.

We human beings were created by the almighty God, we are created in his own image and likeness; that is to say that human beings look just like the almighty God.

By this feature, there are certain things that are expected of us, those things may not seem so easy but are very necessary in the lives of every living human being.

Those things include:

Praying without season
Obeying the the ten commandments of God
Always doing what is right and just
Being a good samaritan, that is helping the poor and the needy etc.

Okay, lets take a look at the first point_ praying without season:
The holy bible has encouraged us /the children of
God, to always pray without season because consistency in prayers does good in our spiritual lives, because prayer keeps us close to God.
It is clearly stated in the bible, that through prayers, we communicate directly with God and he listens to us and our complaints and also grants us our requests.
So prayer is very important in the life of every child of God because it serves as a connection between God and man through which we tell God our challenges and encounters.
Also, prayer gives hope to us as we expect to receive what we had asked for from God.
Therefore, prayer helps in fulfilling of our heart desires as we may get what we asked for from God.

Now lets go to the second point: 
Obeying the ten commandments.

The ten commandments of God was given to Moses on mount sinai.
God had told Moses to take to the people his commandments so we can know our limits in life.
The ten commandments which covers everything we do in our day to day activities has given freedom and limitations to human beings/the children of God. In otherwords, we must try to obey the led out rules given to us by God through the ten commandments so we may do what he asks and avoid disobeying him.

                         The third point
        Always doing what is right and just.

As children of God, we are expected to do the right things at all time. We should always try to imitate the life of our Lord Jesus.
We should abstain from sinful acts and always try to do things that are decent and good in the sight of God.

    The fourth point: Being a good samaritan.

As children of God, we should be kind and humble enough to help people especially those who are in need and those who are poor.
We should try to render assistance to people who cannot cater for themselves, for helping is a decent act before God

Come of think of it, it is only through prayer that we can get the mindset, strength and hope to do all these which i have stated, so i advise you all my dear brothers and sisters today, to pray without season because prayer is the key to success.

Remain blessed you all.

I am a proud child of God.

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