Being Thoughtful series 1.5


Clouds all over
–There are times when life goes great,

Everything is smooth like silky slate,

We feel happy and content,

Only then life feels to bring some change.

-Changes are good, as they keep us active,

Efficiently adapting to the close surroundings,

Such things help us in growth,

From level none to level more.
Only then you realize the mess you’re in.

-If you quit, you’ll never win.

Keep trying is what everyone sings.
Deep inside you, you’re in pieces,

Joining one while fixing the thesis,

Thunder of clouds are swaying by,

Making it hard to see the sky.

-You’re alarmed in need of light,

Which once used to shine so very bright,

You believe it’s what destiny has designed,

Leaving the path in faith of time.

-There will a time when you’ll succeed,

Not when you give up, but only when you seize,

Live today like it’s your last day,

Making the most in hope of today.

Be happy. Be you

Be Thoughtful.
Remember to comment if you like.
Also Follow me for more.

With lots of love ♥️

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