Be Better, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #behaviour6 years ago


A lot of people are in your life because they feel you can add one or two things to their lives while some people are purely in your life due to loyalty and they also seek for ways to make you better. There is wisdom in determining the difference between those who are with you because of what they can get and those who are just with you, bound by loyalty. Knowing the difference will allow us to know how to deal with humans when they show up their ugly habits.

We all have flaws and we need to know that not everyone would act the way we would act. If everyone acts like us, then the world would not push us to be better. When we see others behave better than us, we want to be better, and when we see those who act way more terrible than us, we measure our own growth and see that we are making progress, but not to relax but to be encouraged to know our efforts are paying off.


We have a lot of humans who are just users. A friend of mine was sharing with me yesterday about this and this is what birthed this post. I was pissed off from within me and also disappointed how humans could be like this. Indeed, age doesn’t confer maturity just as fame doesn’t confer relevance.

We need to strive to be better humans, really. We need to put off those weights that slow us down and turn us into people we are not supposed to be, all because of survival. We should always remember that our actions are seeds in which our tomorrow grows. What you don’t want to see in your future, don’t plant it in your present.

Stop using people. Don’t be nice to someone only because of what you want to get from such person. See past the things you can get and seek to be a value adder instead. Those who shine light on the path for others cannot keep that light from themselves. When you add value, you will naturally attract those who would go through the hoops for you too. I have learned to choose my circle wisely. I don’t need the crowd, I only need few loyal people around me and I am contented.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Dear @olawalium ,
Now a days most of people are connected with us due to some kind of greed or benefits. There are only few people who are loyal to us.
We should walk with others without any greed.

Very good written.👏👏👏

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