Ways to Be a Creative Person Even if You Are Not a Bachelor Degree

in #behavior7 years ago (edited)

Many think that a scholar will have a higher level of creativity than high school graduates or below. In fact, creativity never depends on how high a person's education.

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Why? Because creative people are those who want to train their brains to find new things.

Steve Jobs never finished college when he built a startup called Apple. Mark Zuckerberg also chose to focus on building up rather than college.

Both obviously failed to become scholars, but able to build large companies that started from creativity.

So even if you do not have a college degree, do not worry. Being a creative person does not need high school. As long as you want to train and get used to looking for something new, then you can be a creative person.

For that we present specifically for you 10 smart ways so that your creativity can be more excavated, though not a scholar.

1. Change the Mindset

The starting point for being a creative person is your brain. So start by changing your mindset about creative people.

There are still many who think creativity is a talent that not everyone can have. In fact, creativity is something you can learn and practice.

Indeed there is also creativity that is a talent, but the percentage is no greater than the effort through learning and practice.

Talent without any will to develop just remains a talent. Like a knife of quality steel but never sharpened. The brain will not work optimally if you rarely tone.

2. Thinking Simply

Many people think that creative ideas come from complex thinking. Yet precisely the creative ideas nan more creative result of a simple thought.

For example, Fiki Satari founder of Airplane Systm Clothing, once found the design idea of ​​his shirt production when he saw the smoke of mosquito repellent.

From there was born a variety of t-shirt design ideas with abstract images that became the personification of the character of the wearer. That is the beginning of the birth of the theme Dancing Smoke in homemade t-shirts.

Creative ideas can come from simple things. To then be developed into ideas that are more creative and different from before.

3. Always Write What You Want and Feel

One thing that should not be missed by those who are training themselves to be more creative is a ballpoint or a pencil and a notebook. What for?

Creative ideas will come without us ever inviting them. And the Can suddenly appear in the head when you are on public transport, even including when daydreaming in the toilet. When the idea appears immediately write in the book.

This will be useful for ideas that appear can be recorded so as not lost lost time. Whenever you need fresh ideas, you can reopen your notes and see interesting, workable ideas.

4. Quit the Comfort Zone

Did you know, that too long in the comfort zone will make the brain become less creative?

Because, when someone has been lulled by the comfort zone, his brain is rarely used to think of looking for something new. Because rarely trained and worked, the brain becomes dull.

Therefore, get out of your comfort zone immediately. It will feel uncomfortable, but this condition will force you to think harder in searching for something new. You will never find anything new when in the same condition.

Never be afraid to be different. Because different things that will generate creative ideas.[1]

5. Learn and Fix Errors

There is not a single human being in this world who has never made a mistake. A human thing when you make a mistake.

The more important thing is how you respond to the mistake or mistake and then fix it.

Because to be a creative person can actually happen when he made a mistake. From the mistake, he will think to look for another more appropriate solution.

When looking for that solution there is brain involvement to work and think creatively.

Do not be shy and do not be afraid of the mistakes you make. Make mistakes as a lesson to do better in the future.

6. Surround yourself with Creative People

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Never underestimate the environment of your life. Because of the environment that you can enter into the category of creative people or just become those who are lazy.

For that, the greed gathered with creative people so that you also contracted positive things.

Being near creative people will give you many benefits. As your ideas get stuck, there will be other inputs and perspectives you may never have thought of.

Because it could be your point of view is too stuck in one place alone and lazy to find a new angle.

Not only that, they not only give you feedback as well as motivation. But also not lazy to criticize your ideas.

From the criticism you can get a lot of useful input to develop your work or business.

7. Do Traveling

When you've started getting stuck in a routine and boredom begins to ambush, then that's when your brain gets stuck. Therefore you need a refresher.

The atmosphere of a new environment will provoke the brain to think more creatively.

One of the refreshments is by traveling. This method has been tested enough to mengguyur you with new ideas that original and fresh.

When traveling you will find new people and can even try things that have never been done before.

8. Take a Break

You can never be a creative person when your brain and body are too diforsir. Instead what happens is even tiredness and impasse thinking.

When you experience such conditions, it means you need to take a break from the routine.

Numerous studies show that giving your brain a break from thinking will actually trigger better and more creative brainpower. Because not infrequently creative ideas appear when you are resting.

But make sure you do not excessive when resting. Just take a short break, so you can still finish the job on time and the maximum results.

9. Listen to Music

Listening to music while working a lot is called is able to make you more focused. Music that fits any taste will keep the mood well preserved. Even music is able to calm a restless heart.

With a mood that can always awake, indirectly will encourage the brain to work more creatively.

Including when you feel happy when listening to certain songs. These feelings also help the process of creativity in your work.

Everyone's music taste must be different. But the genre of classical and electronic music is called to improve the quality of work for the better. Included in triggering creativity in your brain.

10. Be Yourself

There is nothing that can be called creative when you get things done in ways that others have done. Although the results can be maximized, there remains no element of creativity in it.

Even if you take other people's ideas in completing the work, do it your way. That's where the element of creativity arises. Because there is nothing better than being yourself.


Being a creative person does not always need a great talent or a bachelor's degree. Creative you can train and develop, because basically everyone has this element in him.

The only thing that distinguishes is who wants to dig deeper into the idea that comes up and who let the idea pass by.

Because creative is the result of the work of the brain which is then manifested in a real job. Not just wishful thinking.


Great post upvote and resteem

Great post

Thank you

Nice list, thank you!
Just a quick heads up: the images you put in are not showing.
After looking in the source code, it says:
"{"error":"Supported image formats are: gif, jpeg, and png"}"
Not sure how to fix it, I haven't posted myself, just I thought I let you know. And yes, "not just wishful thinking", you gotta put the time and the work in... Thanks for the reminder.

thank you for your advice and your criticism I feel happy all and I have fixed it again ..thanks @cyoadventuregame

Mantap that nyan, setuju, lebeh setuju lom nebantu long siat..hahaha

Meditate for five minutes.

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