
That you can say again - and the more drama some people can get involved in the better they feel about themselves. Then I will rather be the mind your own business and live and let live type of person that I am

Great start my friend....first you need to get angry

O believe me that I do if necessary - I just do not tend to waste time on trivial BS

Great, come join me to rid the world of this crypto scourge

Ok firstly I am technologically left behind and do not even understand all the technical terms and the workings of internet and steem and currency etc, but I can carry your suitcases on your journey hahahaha. Will also bring my pom poms to cheer you on in your quest LOL

That makes an extreme d8fference....never, and I mean never sell yourself short

Stop selling yourself short....wake up and realise you are a creational being....

Thank you - very true

Just posed a Friday video.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
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SBD 2.54