Oktoberfest in South-Africa in November - All made possible by @beers!!
Oktoberfest in South-Africa in November - All made possible by @beers!!
Quite some time ago I entered a competition by @beers, and I won. The prize is what this post is all about. The competition took place in mid September and @beers posted the parcel at the end of September. I almost lost hope, and thought that the parcel might have disappeared in the post, but then yesterday I received the slip below in my postbox.
Today after work, I rushed to the post office, Christmas came early for me this year, I was really exited!! I was even more excited when I received this huge box!!
I opened the box and found all the stuff on the table below, a full 2 liter of Oktoberfest Bier!! with some White Sausage (I have never seen or even heard about white sausage), some pretzels and a steem branded Beer Glass, I was in heaven!!
Just look at that beautiful bottle!!
With all this stuff I am going to have Oktoberfest in South-Africa, in November!! I am going to invite @marcel1965 over to come and enjoy all these goodies with me. I immediately put the beer in the fridge, to cool down. This beer is going to go down very nicely on a hot afternoon. (Today the maximum was 34 degrees Celsius in Pretoria, ice cold beer is just what the doctor ordered)
Thanks again @beers!!! This is amazing!!
I took these photos using my iPhone.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I am going to do when I drink that beer.
I'm so happy that the parcel(s) arrived without a damage after the long trip.
Here a video how to prepare and eat the white sausages:
Have fun, and cheers :-)
Thank you so much for the video,now I know how to prepare the Weisswurst!! I also received the 2nd package today, all in one piece, thanks again!!
Congratulations for your prize!
Thank you very much.
wow this is so awesome lovely : )
Thank you so much.
good work..but i dont like beer......
Sorry about that, thanks for the comment.
This is great news. When must I clock in at your place?
We are going to be so busy this weekend, I think we must make it next weekend.
wow nice beer.

(((((( Resteem Service)))))
Thank you very much.
That does sounds great and enjoy to the fullest :)
I will, thank you very much.
@rynow - Oh my goodness, Christmas knock your door earlier :) Nice you decided to share this news Sir....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Yes, I was super exited, when I opened that box.
Hello @rynow,
Congratulations & nice gift you get by that contest.
Yes, it is amazing.
yummy beerr 😍