YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S GIRLFRIEND New England IPA and a visit in Nosferatu craft beer shop.

in #beersaturday7 years ago


Yesterday I had the chance to visit a craft beer shop in Sofia - Nosferatu beer shop. I recently find myself to visit this place a lot and it's a favorite place for shopping. The great thing is that they actually have 4 or 5 beers on tap at every single moment and 2 or 3 of the beers are Bulgarian ones.

That's the shop... Or the bar... well, both!

The bar itself is not very big. Maybe about 10 to 15 people can stay in there comfortably. If there are more it becomes a little bit crowded.
On 3rd March there was a premier of a new Bulgarian beer - YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S GIRLFRIEND by METALHEAD BREWINGS.
It is a NEIPA and is actually brewed in Oproer brewery - Netherlands. One of the Bulgarians staying behind of the Metalhead Brewery lives in Burgas, Bulgaria. He is the head brewer, as I understood, while the other dude in the project lives in Netherlands and runs the brewing process there. A little bit complicated, but nowadays there are a lot of so-called "gypsy" breweries.


The beer is 6,9% alc, a little bit hazy, although I expected it to be a little bit hazier. Is this the right haziness for a NEIPA? I may be wrong, but I thing the NEIPA should be a little bit more hazier and juicy looking, but all the beers from this style were about this haziness.

The great thing here, that beers were served in branded glasses - a great compliment. And the price was about $3-3.50 for 400 ml on tap. Some table pads were available too!


Carbonation is very good, leaving a thick foam, which has a good retention. The color is deep orange, although it cannot be seen clearly in the dark bar and on the photos.

You can definitely smell the hops. Some mango and pineapple - a lot of tropicals at all. Some grassy notes, but not disturbing. Great hoppiness(happiness?) for the nose!

In mouth it's thick, juicy and not very bitter. It would be strange if it was bitter! This one is perfect. It will fit great even to those, not loving bitter beers at all. The slight grassiness still exists, pretty normal for the heavily hopped beers. The guys did a great job with this beer. Not sure whether the Netherlands' brewery did more job, or it was the Bulgarian guy... The important thing is, that they definitely brewed a great product.

It was really amazing, that even the foam was branded! METALHEAD BREWINGS* LOL! Just kidding

After all... these were great 30 minutes... And very sadly, I had to go.
So... I think very soon I will go back again and try some great tapped beers.

Bye for now, and have a great #beersaturday with @detlev.


That place looks like a bar should. Australia has gone through this process of making all our bars look classy and stylish, not grungy and gritty looking like they should.

And that beer looks amazing, but that might be because I love that name so much.

Great review mate. Love the photos. :)

The place is very cool, even when it's crowded, but I prefer to enjoy a nice beer alone, or at least with no more than 1-2 people with me.

Nothing wrong with the metal theme but that label, g'dammit, is over the top sexist. There's nothing metal about it, it's just dudes objectifying women. The name without the label (unless it's a reference I'm not getting) is actually not bad but that label, seriously, are they 13 years old?

Next, you're right, that's not even close to the proper haziness for a hazy (NE) IPA.

The girl is about the girlfriend of the girlfriend theme (wow... lot of girls in this sentence)
The Metalhead Brewings and the logo from the glass and from the beer pad are the brewery's thing. Maybe that beer labeling is a bit too much, but... The craft beer stage knows vary mad brewers and artists for the labeling.

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