Great Saturday in Sliven, Bulgaria. Happy first birthday to "Trima & Dvama" Craft Brewery!

in #beersaturday7 years ago

Happy Birthday, friends!

Trima & Dvama's Mashin' Pumpkins ale

Wow... it was like yesterday when I went to Sliven for the opening party of the Craft Brewery "Trima & Dvama". Now, one year later, it seems these guys have learned a lot and their beers are even more awesome than before. Of course, one year is a lot of time. Of course, their start was somewhat difficult, but now they are dealing very well with everything.
Congratulations, wish them all the best!

I left my city about 10:30 in the morning at Saturday. Sliven is just less than a hour away drive by car. The morning was a bit cloudy, but with my arrival, the sun popped out and warmed the day! Sliven is a small town, located in the central(central-east) part of Bulgaria, and stays just on the skirt of the mountain "Stara planina"

I was a bit early, so I had a chance to go to the brewery before the party started in the bar. It was supposed to start at 14:00, so my help in preparation the party was pretty well appreciated by the guys from the brewery, so I received an American Amber ale from them to start the party!

The guys have 6 taps in the bar, and they were supposed to have 6 different beers, but unluckily the IPA was not kegged, because there was a water problem with the tap water in the brewery and they didn't have the chance to clean the kegs and transfer the beer.



My first beer was Mashin' Pumpkins and this was actually my first time to try this beer. It was very amber in color, but I couldn't taste much of a pumpkin in the beer. Medium to high body and a lot of spices in this one. Definitely will be a great beer around Halloween and in the colder months of the winter. Actually the guys first brewed this beer for the 2017 Halloween.

Although they use some regular glasses, they also had some new merchandise. T-shirts and branded glasses were available for purchase in the bar.

American Amber and some grilled onions

The great part was, that there was an electric grill running for everyone and apart from the sausages provided by the brewery, everyone was allowed to bring and grill some meat, vegetables and everything that can be grilled!
There were a lot of homebrewers visiting the event, too. Some of them traveled from Sofia or Plovdiv to Sliven and we had the chance to share and sample some homebrewed beers too. It's always great to meet these people and share some experience and beer brewing experiments.

There were a few competitions held this day, including a chili sauce competition and a running event. Wow, this running event was mad! The competitors were supposed to run in the streets around the bar, and before every lap, they had to drink ~400 ml. of Pale Ale... Ant all this continued till the... "last-man-standing"... WOW!

Ready, Set, (drink and) GO! In fact this is the main Guy of the brewery!

This is hot! THESE are hot!!!

Now if you don't call this a great day... A great #beersaturday! I didn't want to leave Sliven... But eventually I had to go and cope with my tasks. And I already look forward to visiting Sliven again. Of course, now I want to run my own brewery even more than before, but I'll have to wait some time.

Cheers, fellows!
Clean and Simple - Trima & Dvama's Pale Ale


I love the competitions, especially the last man standing one. Do you know which style of beer Mashin' Pumpkins is? It sounds like something I would enjoy :D

It’s a pumpkin ale as I know... this is typical holiday beer around Halloween!

I loved this. What a great way to spend a day. Shit, too many places to visit!
Great job.

Thanks! This place I can visit every single day!

Sounds like you had a great time!! Cheers!!

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