Beersaturday! First in a while... welcome the Ninja in all his glory!

in #beersaturday6 years ago

Hey, hey! What’s going on, #beersaturday fellows? It’s my first beer post in a while, so I’m going to present to you something very special. Some of you may know that I recently got back from Japan, so here’s something very Japanese:


Brewing beers with different strains of yeast gives a whole world of tastes and flavors. Wheat beer yeast, ale yeast, lager yeast, Belgian yeast... every one of the, with typical characteristics and distinctive flavor profiles. Experimenting with yeast can give some very unique results. And what about sake yeast? Sounds crazy, huh?

That were my thoughts when I first spotted this beer on the Konbini shelf. Kyoto brewery is a Japanese craft brewery, which I see for the first time and this product was definitely something to catch my eye. Sake itself is a very strange alcohol, compared to the other beverages, but once you get used to it’s flavor it becomes fine for you. A lot of flowery aromas to be distinguished and some fruity ones in background. Rice is always there as a flavor, just the way malts is there in the beers.


But what about sake yeast on malts? I definitely wasn’t sure what to expect. My practice has learnt me “Expect nothing!”, so I gave my best not to expect anything at all when trying this one for the first time (Actually these photos are from my second sake beer. The first I drank in Japan!). So the first sip? Well... it was somehow magical!


Light... very light and thin body on first impression. Something a bit sour like lemon or lime. Very, very delightful, and then... same esters! A lot of flowers and a bit earthy flavors. This was a whole new world for me. The lightness of this beer blended so well with the flowery and a bit sour tastes. I cannot fully express all the different aspects of the aroma and taste of this beer.


Very special, very Japanese! I cannot stand but express my excitement about this beer. Tried to find some sake yeast during my stay in Japan, but as far as I understood, it’s not the sake season now, so it was impossible to find sake yeast around me. It would be a great experience to brew a beer with sake yeast. Maybe it will be a top pretendent in the Bulgarian homebrewers’ competition. I’ll try my best to find sake yeast sooner or later. Just love the results!


Until then, I’ll rest with my memories about this one. It’s a pity that I didn’t bring more cans, but my baggage was already stuffed as hell. IPAs, stouts and Belgian beers are all around us. This one is special. Sincerely hope to have another one so. Very soon!

Cheers, fellows, and happy #beersaturday. Thank you for reading!



Nice! I've never tried Sake before.
Looks a bit like a light lager

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