BeerSaturday - Finishing our Saturday with a draught beer and food snacks

Having a draught beer or 'imperial' in the Portuguese language, is very popular here!

That's what I had this afternoon!

We had a warm summer day and some important work to do. First work, then leisure time! That's the rule!!
So when we finished it, we decided to have some cold beers, before getting home, and went to a typical terrace to also enjoy the breeze.

Well, I had...

Not one


Not two


Not three


Ahah, kidding, I had two beers and some dips from the third!!

The first food snack is fried pork meat with pickles (under the chips) and the second food dish is fried cuttlefish (with chips again)!!

Yes, a lot of fries today, but, who cares?! I'm not doing this regularly!! ;)

Everything tasted amazing​​, and the beers were really cold as it must be!! Sagres it's a national brand very popular in south Portugal. I know it's @jsantana favorite one!

Wondering how it would be for other steemians, Sagres or Super Bock!?

Guess we can test that on SteemitFest2! ;)

Thanks @detlev for launching this challenge!! Much appreciated here, a great excuse for a couple of beers today :)


I like the beer and foods, good one indeed
We just had a beer festival and I shared some pics on my blog, feel free to see them..Love beers.

I would go for a beer and food right now, but must work first. Weekend is coming, I'll take some time for it later and tomorrow :) Thanks for your visit!

you are welcome

Sagres is a good beer, but my favourite Portugeuse lager is Super Bock. I had it for the first time a month ago, and was pleasantly surprised!

That's my portuguese favorite beer too, but I won't refuse a cold Sagres!! We've chosen this spot due to its snacks, not to its beer :p Where I live Sagres it's more common!

Glad you enjoyed our beer!! :)) Top!!

The beer and food looks great, I love the condensation on the glass - shows you the beer is nice and cold!!

Oh yes it was!! But I ate too much fries and got a bit sick after. But we are enjoying so much to be there that we order two dishes instead of one! ;)

An excellent combination, beer and fries! Cheers my friend :)))

Ahah, cheers!! I love those two!! :)

What a perfect way to finish up a summer's day! The Sagres looks very refreshing!

Oh yes, ​it was, and we're not the only ones, the terrace hadn't free tables anymore!

Super Bock... sorry :)
(I actually like both!)

I drink both, mas prefer SB too. But in Alentejo Sagres is more popular :)

Yeaaa.. I think so, It is EVERYWHERE! :)

Lord.. am coming to join you asap, please dont finish the beer

Oh, too late! I've finished it already. But today is another day ;)

great post liliana! just like you, i used to relax myself after any kind of stressful work with some glassess of beer. And I always pair it with yummy savory chips (sour-cream flavor would be perfect) 👌🏻

After a stressful day at work I do really need a beer! Yesterday wasn't a stressful day, but we felt we deserved that for been working on the weekend!! :) (great excuse, hein;)!?) I must stop sauing these things or else everyone will start thinking I'm a "professional drunk"!!

These snacks look delicious, but the beer as well! 😃

And I forgot to photograph the meat that looked (and was) amazing! I'm not a multitask person, I'm only available to eat or to photograph. My brain can't handle those tasks at the same time! Ahah

None of us is really multitasking, only some think they are. 😄
Have a wonderful Sunday evening Liliana!

Women like and have a predisposition to be multitasking. Thank you!

thanks for your post and CHEERS from Belgium. Will meet at steemfest for some beer

Nice, looking forward to that!! Cheers!!

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