BeerSaturday on BeerTuesday: Round 2, knock out

in #beersaturday7 years ago

I was so happy to see different beers again in the supermarkt! Every time Im in the supermarket a new containership brought new types of beer, its so inviting to try them all. And so I will, but not in one day!


I present you: La Biere du Demon AKA Beer of the devil. And yeah, in the background is my storm broken window still, plyerwood does the trick of windows just as good actually!

According to ratebeer that is!

Well guys, my opinion about this beer?? HOLY-CRAP what a bomb in disguise of a sweet little beer. BF and myself opened these blonde beers from France together. I found the beer quite dark for a blonde beer and as well as the taste. BF didnt really like the beer, so I took his as well, as I did like the taste.

.....And that is when it all went south!!!!
These 12% heavyweights have a bit of a delay of sneaking upon you, so by the time it did, I had finished te second one already. The devil in this little bottle had entered my head through the backdoor, and was making tornado in my head. This morning I felt like a truck had ran over me. Two beers my friends, just two beers I took.

Pleasure Ratebeer, really??? My head had a totally different idea of 'diabolic pleasure' this morning

12% beers are not new to me, but they didnt have such a devilish effect. I should have known better, right


So my recommendations on this La Biere du Demon: First wash your glass proper, then the foam wont die like it did in my glass, haha. Then: Really consider of you want to continue drinking this brutal pale beer, or you might just end up spinning like me. After that, reconsider again! Please just do!! Steemians in the #beersaturday competition, hosted by @detlev, Dont try this at home ;)


I'm always looking for new delicious beer. I just happened to see your post and now I'm a follower of you. I'll have to go back and see your previous suggestions for beer to try. Cheers!

This one is at own risk Bro, a real killer! Hahaha

I have friends and I have a tradition pub environment. Beer and appreciate different take))))

A different take is never a bad idea!

Holy cow. 12%? That's like...3 or 4 'normal' beers.

I'd drink it though, if not for that '4' rating.

At your own risk buddy! This was a serious killer, and you are considering a next one, trust me: DONT hahaha!

Clean glasses are one of the most important things for head retention, and lacing on the glass as well, so very good advice. also not drinking multiple 12% beers is smart as well.

A lot of rookie mistakes in here right, @harveyword. One day, my friend, one day

Very good! @karinxxl

Oooow the headache wasnt good though!! Not going back to this one any time soon

One heavy weight of a beer!! Nice post!!

Waaaay too heavy to me Id say hahahaha! Never again!

That is one deceptive looking beer. One that pale should not be so freaking brutally strong. I had a similar experience actually. I almost ended up on the floor. And I didn't move from the floor the next day. But the beer I drank was only 9.9% by comparison. 12% is just unheard of. Well done for giving it a go.

I thought at 12% ...just drink it slow, what can go wrong... The second one,thats what made everything go wrong hahaha! Thanks for dropping by @mazzle!

Welcome. It’s always the second one that makes the night hilarious and the following day a write off. :)

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