Tipples Beer Review 5 and #beersaturday - Garage Project (NZ) Persephone Saison

in #beersaturday7 years ago

The Bubbles.jpeg

It finals time (Americans read playoffs) for the local winter sport of AFL, so on a rainy Thursday night we find ourselves watching the big match on TV . My team of North Melbourne are not involved as they are currently having an 'aggressive reset' which is code for 'we sacked all the old guys last year and now we are useless'. Instead is Adelaide (the favourites) versus Western Sydney. In support of the South Australian team we are eating some amazing Monforte cheese from Section 28 and some apple quince both made in the Adelaide Hills and having a beer, not from Adelaide, but from New Zealand.

Why NZ? Because when looking for a beer I saw this awesome can and it's from Garage project and they rock. Finally the description of a Saison with pomegranate, pink peppercorn, grapefruit peel and balsamic vinegar sounded mind blowing so I was in.

The beer pours a lovely orange colour with small bubbles racing for the surface (hopefully you can see these in the picture below. It is without head which is a little unusual.

Closers Bubbles.jpeg

The smell is almost non-existant, I expected vinegar overtones, but rather its the malt I can smell, It reminds me of a Euro lager.

It is refreshing, light in body, much like Keanu Reeves acting style this is very subtle, a very slight sour bite in the aftertaste but again like Keanu, nothing as dramatic as you would hope.

All in all a pretty darn good beer, I could see myself sitting on a balcony or possibility a Grecian beach having a few of these little cans.

I would certainly go back for another one.

And for those who care, Adelaide smashed Western Sydney in the football game, which was to be expected but all in all a little boring, oh well at least we had cheese and beer, so I've had worse nights.

With Cheese.jpeg


Usually I eat Doritos with my beer tho!

Well that would work as well I suppose, I'm pretty sure beer goes with everything.

Also should mention that this is part of Beer Saturday - which you can read about here:


and if you have any interest in beer, post about it.

Interesting at first but that Euro lager reference made me think twice. Try @sportsncoffee competitions of you are into sports 😉

Yet the smell was certainly not what I was expecting at all, it made me very skeptical, but it works as a taste

again a nice post from you!

Thanks for using the #BeerSaturday Tag

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