Redemption IPA Kelly's Mountain Brew 🍻

in #beersaturday6 years ago

I've gone Irish again this week

Sure you'd have to support the local economy wouldn't ya!!
I've had some cracking Irish beers and equally I've had some rubbish ones, so I'm hoping this one ticks the right boxes. See ye on the other side. Sláinte, Cheers, Bottoms up!


So this week's beer of the week is Redemption IPA Kelly's Mountain Brew


So straight off the bat, I like the label design and colours used... The Ram gives this power too, but will it carry through to the taste? Let's see..


The Info

Brewery: Kelly's Mountain Brew
Bottle: 500ml


The verdict

Poured a nice copper gold colour and created a little white head, which quickly dissappeared. Not much for the nose on opening, slight pine notes and slightly hoppy smell, but nothing much stirring.

Would the taste make up for it? Nope.. Afraid not, very average indeed, so much so, that I almost didn't finish it. Good job I was thirsty. A little bit of grapefruit present, but overall quite watery and not my idea of what a good IPA should be.

Check it out!! 🐏

If you look really closely at the bubbles below, you can see the exact outline of a Ram! How feckin weird is that...


Ok now that you're done squinting, I made that up, ha ha... Needed to add something to spice up the review, as the beer isn't up to it.

This one just about made a pass grade of 40%, I won't be in a rush to try it again. But I guess you've got to try them to know..

The Grade


Thank you @detlev for keeping this going week after week for over a year now. Go check out his page, he's a very interesting guy and really knows his beers.

Peace out.



You got me there with the ram in the bubbles!! LOL

Ha ha, gotta have a bit of fun eh! Thanks a lot for the ongoing support here on Steemit, really appreciate it..

A 4.8% IPA is lingering towards pale ale at that low of ABV. When I saw that, I suspected what you said. That's unfortunate. Also got me with the bubbles ;)

Ha ha, Threw that in their for the laugh!! Hope you didn't spend too long looking for the Ram! :o)

You should join us on beersaturday for a review, it's good fun..

I appreciate the offer, but I don't do a lot of time sensitive posts because I hate committing and then having to bail or back out for some reason. Makes me feel like I let someone down.

But I do usually post my disc golf outings which coincide with my beer for the round. So my beer reviews are getting out there :)

Interesting set of symbols down the side

Yep, I've been trying to figure them out myself... The Brewers are a husband and wife, so I think the first 4 and last 4 are about them and the 2014 with cross in middle is year that got married or maybe year the first beer was crafted (which is true) So far I have Age 17 of boy / Kelly (his surname) / Virgo starsign / Male / Year of marriage or first brew / Age 17 of girl / ? / ? / ?

Last 3 have me stumped... :o)

@ablaze Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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