Beer review: Triple d'Anvers

in #beer3 years ago

Today I will review the Triple d'anvers:

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It is a beer from Brewery The Koninck, worldfamous in Belgium for it's namesake beer "Koninck" lately renamed "bolleke" (it is traditional to order this beer by referring to the shape of it's glass (bolleke) rather than the beer.

Anyhow, about 12-13 years ago, this brewery was somewhat struggling, and found itself bought up by Duvel Moortgat, which revitalised this local Antwerp brewery.

Due to a lack of available glasses, I managed to drink it in an Omer glass, which is actually a worthwhile competitor of the also delicious Duvel beer of the Moortgat brewery.

The Triple d'Anvers is one of the new creations of this brewery, although they still only have a few (good) beers. The brand is not being milked for what it's worth, and beers released under the brand are good, fit with the image and rest of the beer offered under the brand.

This triple beer is a flavourfull, slightly spicy, somewhat sweet, and full bodied. The head of foam is white and powerful, the beer blond and somewhat hazy due to the presence of the yeast (if desired it can be poured clear by leaving behind the last centimeter from the bottle, but I prefer the flavour profile of beers containing the yeast deposit. Also, the yeast deposit is a good source of vitamins)

Weighing in at 8%, this is a good representative of it's style, always wirth a try if you happen to come by it


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