Why BEER is better than wine (and some cool stories about it)

in #beer8 years ago (edited)

Beer is more than just a bubbly beverage poured in bars or festivals. It has lots of history, diversity and a massive impact on people's social life. See below my reasons why beer is better than wine

You may agree or not... but I hope you will enjoy the reading and learn some cool facts about beer !

It has more history

Early signs of beer appear almost 4,000 years ago.

A Sumerian poem honoring Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing, contains the oldest surviving beer recipe, describing the production of beer from barley via bread.

Later, its existence is even witnessed in ancient Egypt, Scandinavia (Vikings).

It is only with the invention of bottling that we know it in its bubbly form. And in the late 1600’s, Trappists monks made it an art.


It exists in a lot of different  forms

And not only blonde, dark or red…

  • Dubbel tripel for the trappists..
  • Lager, pilner for the blondes...
  • Belgian White, Weissbeer (made with wheat when barley became a rare resource)
  • IPA, barley wine, porter, and stout...

In fact, each beer type has its own story and reason of existence.

The IPA (India Pale Ala) was invented by the British, because brewers needed a higher alcohol brew to withstand the sea journey from England south and east to India. 

It’s more SOCIAL

No need to pretend to be posh to drink beer. No need to wear a shirt to enter the brewery. No need to wear shoes. Just be yourself.

Beer is simple: pour, smell, drink… enjoy (and remember to be a perfectionist).



It’s more LOCAL

Contrary to wine, beer is present almost everywhere, in good quality.When you travel aborad, you can never be sure about the wine: Beer is always a good choice: from Kenyan Tusker, Thai Singa, or Argentinian Quilmes, you canot be wrong.

And it becomes even better, we now have microbreweries popping everywhere in the world !!


As a result, when you drink local beer, not only it’s better for the environment (less transport means less CO2), it also helps your local community.

Beer glasses are (way) cooler than wine glasses

The sheer number of beer brands allowed the creation of a lot of different glasses. Some, like the Kwak even have an historical reason for they shape.

Kwak has a branded glass with its own distinctive shape. It is held upright in a wooden stand; the brewery claims the glass was designed by the innkeeper Pauwel Kwak in the early 19th century for coachmen who would stop at his coaching tavern and brewery named "De Hoorn"


To enjoy your beer, remember to try to drink it in its designated glass !

It’s a gift of God.

Not only B.Franklin says it, but history as well.


In the 1600’s beer was perfected by the Cistercian monks; and today Trappist_beers can arguably be considered as the best beers in the world.

The International Trappist Association only recognizes  handful breweries in the world, and selects the breweries based on the following criteria:

  • The beer must be brewed within the walls of a Trappist monastery, either by the monks themselves or under their supervision.
  • The brewery must be of secondary importance within the monastery and it should witness to the business practices proper to a monastic way of life
  • The brewery is not intended to be a profit-making venture. The income covers the living expenses of the monks and the maintenance of the buildings and grounds. Whatever remains is donated to charity for social work and to help persons in need.


I hope you enjoyed the reading. Now, you know what you have to do.

Cheers !

Note: Check this site for all the upcoming festivals: http://www.beerfestivals.org/calendar/august.html



You should!
interesting post. I would different tags if you decide to repost

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The earliest traces of brewing go back to 9,000 BC and cities were first built to help distribute beer to a larger audience. The Sumerians had 21 different beers. The Celts brewed beer using smoked barley sprouts and henbane. There are some recipes reconstructed from archaeological evidence.

Probably the most remarkable beer was a line that lasted only about 100 years in Ancient Egypt. The brewers had found a way to render ergot safe, but in the process discovered an entire class of antibiotics.

Although beer is older than wine, malt wasn't used in ancient beers at all - that didn't arise until very late in the game, as beers with longer shelflife were being worked on. Mead has no known etymology and kept beehives were common around pre-historic breweries, but honey was used in ancient beer too. Maybe they branched off a common ancestor.

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